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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 128

Raphael POV

Everything has been manic lately. All the preparations for the wedding, the dress appointments for Olivia and the ones for me for my suit. It's been crazy.

I chose the wedding rings, and the cake flavour. The rest was all Olivia and her team of party planners.

Everything is going to be exactly the way she wants. No limit on expenses. I don’t care how much she’s spending as long as she’s happy.

Since she was a teenager and saw the film from sex and the city she dreamed of having her wedding in the New York Public library and per usual I made some calls and put some money into it and I got the library reserved for the wedding.

Olivia is dealing with everything and truth be told it all looks really good.

Today is our bachelor and bachelorette parties. I wanted hers to be with mine but Anna didn’t let that happen.

I don’t like the idea of My girl walking around New York without me. There’s going to be plenty of security around them.

My party is going to be simple. I asked Joseph and Tim to organise it and I asked them to do something simple.

I don’t want the press all over it. They will paint me a cheater, I know that.

“Ready?” - Tim asks walking into my office.

“Yeah, give me five minutes so I can call Olivia before we go” - I tell him.

“Sure” - he says leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I grab my phone from my trouser pocket and I call Olivia. She answers straight away.

“Helloooo” - she says when she answers.

“Hi love, everything ready?” - I ask her

“Yeah everyone is here, we are getting ready” - she says

“Please don’t drink too much and no strippers” - I tell her

“You know I can’t promise you that” - she says


“You know Anna, I told her no strippers but I don’t know if she hired any” - Olivia says and I can hear Anna giggles

“Fuck that, I’m coming over” - I say

“No baby, please, trust me” - she says and I punch the wall next to me.

“Fine” - I let out

“What was that noise?” - Olivia asks

“Nothing” - I tell her

“Raphael, please, have fun, I have security “ - she says and I take a deep breath.

“I miss you” - I tell her

“I miss you too” - she says

“Come on Liv, you need to get that sexy ass dressed” - I hear Anna in the background

“I got to go” - she says

“Okay, love you”

“Love you too” - Olivia says before ending the call.

I stand up grabbing my blazer and I walk out of the office.

Tim and Joseph are talking and drinking.

“Here” - Joseph says passing me a glass of whiskey.

“Thanks” - I tell him before I drink the entire content of the glass.

“This is gonna be fun” - Tim says tapping my shoulder.

“Let’s go” - Joseph says and the three of us walk out of the building into a limousine that was waiting for us on the street.

“Fancy” - I say to Joseph

“Shut it” - he says opening the door to me. I slide in and there are three girls already inside.

“Congratulations “ - Tim says after the door is closed and Joseph is inside with us.

I look at them intending to kill them.

“Non-disclosures signed “ - Tim says and Joseph smiles.

“No, they can leave” - I say and Joseph laughs.

“No mate, they are staying and you are having some fun today” - Tim says.

“Fuck” - I say when the brunette with the dark chocolate eyes sits on my lap straddling me.

“Hello handsome “ - she says and my hands touch her hips keeping her in place stopping her from moving. The last thing I need is to have a hard-on.

I look around and Tim is already sucking one of the girls face off and Joseph is getting a lap dance from the other one.

Fuck sake.

Olivia POV

I end the phone call with Raphael and I stand up walking to the dressing room. My dress is already there waiting for me. It’s beautiful. It’s a black short dress. Velvet with crystal-embellished. When I saw this Balmain dress I knew I had to have it for this party. It’s just the right amount of sexy and slutty with some class.

This dress can’t be worn with a bra so I adjust my breasts in the dress and I can hear Anna and Petra whistling.

“Come in” - Petra shouts and John walks in. He is the only man on my party. But hey, he’s one of the girls anyway.

“You look stunning” - he says.

“Thank you” - I reply looking at myself in the mirror. My long hair is tied up in a long ponytail. My make up is simple but make my eyes pop and the red lips make me extremely desirable.

“Shoes” - Anna shouts and I pick up my Louboutin black pumps.

I put them on grabbing my Balenciaga clutch and we all head out.

“You look great” - Zane says

“Thanks” - I reply while we walk into the elevator.

We are all carrying our champagne flutes. Anna hired a limousine to pick us up and take us to where we are going to party.

The drive wasn’t long and we stopped in front of one of Raphael’s night clubs.

“Way to have him control this party” - I say and Petra laughs.

“He doesn’t even know it” - she says

“How did you do it?” - I ask her

“Let’s say the manager owes me one” - she says while she winks

“Ladies” - the doorman says while he opens the door and Anna puts a small veil on my head.

Petra passes a sash saying Wife to be and we all laugh while John grabs some straws with cock shape.

“You guys went all in” - I say while the four of us walk inside and into the VIP area where no one would be able to see us, but we can see the entire club.

Privacy is the word that most describes this.

A bottle os champagne is brought to the small table in front of the big sofas with some flutes.

John pops the bottle and Petra yells.

“Drink up bitches”

We all grab our glasses and we drink.

“Can you bring some shots please?” - Anna says to the server standing next to me

“Sure Miss” - he says walking away and we all start dancing.

I can’t recall how many shots I had before I heard Anna scream.

“What?” - I say when I see police officers approaching us.

“What’s happening?” - I ask again

“Miss, can you please put your hands against the wall?” - the police officer asks me and I do as I am told.

Everyone looks petrified and I don’t know what to say.

“Anything wrong officer?” - I say when I see both Anna and Petra doing the same as me with their hands against the wall.

“Miss, do you have any sharp objects in you?” - he asks me

“No” - I say shaking my head

“I’ll be the judge of that” - he says passing his hands through my body and that’s when I realise what is happening.

Anna and Petra start laughing while the “police officer” grabs me bridal style and sits me on a chair in the middle of the room.

His hands travel through my body and then he straddles me while he dances stripping his clothes.

I can’t even think straight. I was afraid something was seriously wrong. But no he is just a stripper. And a damn hot one.

He grabs my hands and put them on his bare ass and that’s when I start giggling. I smack his ass and his lips fall on my neck, sucking and licking. I let out a soft moan.

He rubs his body against mine and he makes me stand up hugging me by my waist while his lips fall on my neck again

“You taste good” - he says and my hands fly to his shoulders while we dance.

He spins me around and I can feel his erection against my ass. Oh my god.

Anna and Petra are dancing with the other strippers and I can see Petra rubbing herself all over the guy.

The stripper’s hand touch every inch of my body and my head falls back against his chest. His hand finds its way to my breasts and he caresses them through my dress while his other hand travel up through my leg lifting my skirt.

Oh my God

Raphael POV

The car stops and I am almost losing control. Thank fuck we arrived wherever we are. I move the girl from my lap and open the door. The casino. Nice.

“Let’s make some money” - Tim says patting me on the back.

“Let’s” - I say and the girls walk next to us grabbing our arms.

Shit, this is gonna come out in the papers.

“No paparazzi” - Joseph says

“How?” - I ask

“We gave them the wrong location with the wrong itinerary” - he says

“Nice” - I say as we walk inside and into the VIP rooms to play some poker.

I take my place at the table and a drink is put next to me.

“Thanks “ - I say looking at the girl that brought my drink.

These bastards are doing everything in their power to make me have fun with one of these girls.

She was skinny with bright blue eyes and ginger hair. She is stunning and her ass. Just perfect. She leans over to me so I can have a really good look at her breasts peaking from her tiny little top.

“You’re welcome Sir” - she says and then her hand stops on my chest.

I take a deep breath and look away from her.

The game goes well until they decided that strip poker was better than playing with money.

We were in one of the most selective and private rooms from the casino. And I know they paid a lot of money for this room and for everything that happens here to stay here. I like that.

We kept playing and I lost three games making me lose my shirt, shoes and socks. Most of the girls were already naked as they were already wearing barely anything.

I stand up to go to the bathroom. I grab my shoes and my shirt putting everything on. When I look around this looks like a fucking whore house. Tim is already being sucked off and Joseph. Well, he is licking one of the girls.

I walk to the bathroom and after washing my hands I feel a pair of hands slipping under my shirt and touching my chest.

“You seem tense” - I hear a whisper behind me.

I turn around and the ginger girl is looking at me and licking her lips.

Her hands wandering around my body until she starts to undo my belt and then my trousers. Her lips kissing down my chest and when my trousers hit the floor I grab her by the hair and pull her away.

“No” - I tell her grabbing my pants and spitting them back on.

“I know you want me” - she says touching my cock that is now full-on erect.

“Yeah. I do” - I say taking a deep breath and she smiles - “I could fuck you right now. But I’m not going to”

“But I also have a fiancé that trusts me” - I say walking away from her and into the room again.

Most of the girls left and there’s only two. Drinks are being served and I grab one and down it.

I need to get out of here before I fuck one of these girls and ruin everything with Olivia.

My phone beeps and it’s a message from Zane.

I open it and it’s a video. Olivia dancing with a man wearing a thong. His hands all over her. Fuck. I’m gonna kill that bastard. And what the fuck is wrong with her? He’s now kissing her neck. I am the only person allowed to touch her. To kiss her. Fuck

I am here trying to control myself. Not letting those girls touch me and she’s rubbing herself against that fucktard.

I walk back to the table and I grab my jacket.

Chapter 127 - The bachelor and bachelorette Parthis 1

Chapter 127 - The bachelor and bachelorette Parthis 2

Chapter 127 - The bachelor and bachelorette Parthis 3


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