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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 133

Raphael POV

“She is a teenager Raphael. You can’t expect her to stay home all day with us” - Olivia says

“I know, but she is taking one step too far with this whole being a rebel thing. I know she had security on her constantly but this is too much” - I tell Olivia

“You need to let her live, the more you keep her tight the more she will revel and one day she might even resent you” - Olivia says and I take a deep breath.

This girl is gonna get me into trouble. She is the spit image of her mother but with brown hair. I know that in school she had some guys after her. I’m not stupid and I know my little girl is growing but I don’t want her to. I need her to stay my little girl forever.

“What do you want me to do?” - I ask Olivia

“Give her some space, let her be herself. She never gave us any reasons not to trust her” - Olivia says and I know she is right. But this is my little girl.

“I can’t” - I say

“Raphael Lockwood, you listen to me and you listen to me good. You are going to push her away trying to overprotect her, she knows how to fight, shit she even knows how to shoot, but let her be a teenage girl in New York, let her be her amazing self” - Olivia says and I shake my head.

“I can’t” - I say

Chapter 132 - Bonus Amelia 1

Chapter 132 - Bonus Amelia 2


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