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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 131

Raphael POV

We stop by the hotel to grab our luggage and change clothes. I do love looking at her in that wedding dress but that would be extremely uncomfortable for her to travel with.

As we are about to walk into the suit I stop Olivia and grab her in my arms bridal style and I cary her inside.

“What was that for?” - she asks while she giggles

“Traditions” - I tell her planting a kiss on her lips before I put her down and help her take the dress off.

Olivia goes straight to the bathroom to put her hair up into a ponytail and take most of her make up off.

I take my clothes off and take a deep breath while I sit on the bed. I am extremely tired but I can’t wait to make her mine for the first time as my wife. But that will have to wait. I start getting dressed when Olivia walks out and grabs her clothes getting dressed as well.

We both wear simple and comfortable clothes. Olivia is wearing a pair of jeans and converse all stars with a oversized white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. I am all in black with jeans and T-shirt with my leather jacket as well. But instead of trainers I am wearing my doc martens boots.

We both have our sunglasses, passport and luggage ready.

We both walk out of the bedroom towards the SUV. I hold the door opened so that Olivia can get in and then I get in myself.

The ride is quiet and fast while we both just look out of the window. We are both overwhelmed and tired. I want to kiss her but if I do I know I won’t be able to control myself and I will fuck her right here right now.

“We’re here sir” - the driver says and me and Olivia get out of the car while the security brings our luggage to the private jet.

“Are you going to tell me now where we are going?” - Olivia asks while she sits and does her belt.

“When we land” - I say walking to the cockpit to talk to the pilot.

“Good evening sir” - he says

“Hello” - I reply shaking his hand.

“All ready to go” - he says

“Please when you make the announcements don’t mention where we are going” - I tell him

“Sure sir” - he replies and I shake his hand and leave the cockpit.

I walk back to the main area and Olivia is looking out of the window while the air hostess serves us champagne.

“Thank you” - Olivia says grabbing her glass and taking it to her lips.

“Thanks” - I say while I sit

“Can I get you anything else?” - she asks looking at me.

“No thanks” - I reply and she leaves.

Not long after the Pilot starts talking

“Mr and Mrs Lockwood, welcome a board. We will be taking off momentarily and as I instructed our destination is a secret, although I can tell you that it will take around 9 hours to arrive at our destination.

Sit back, enjoy your flight and let us know if there’s anything you need”

“Seriously?” - Olivia says looking at me

“Only 9 hours and you will find out where we are going” - I tell her while we feel the jet taking off.

Not long after the seat belt light turns off I stand up and offer my hand to Olivia. She looks up at me and smiles taking my hand.

I take her to the bedroom and as soon as I close the door behind us her face lit up.

I walk to her and scoop her face with my hands and place my lips against hers.

“God I love you so much” - I tell her

“I love you too” - she replies hugging me by my waist.

“Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives” - I tell her

Olivia nods and I wrap my arms around her waist lifting her up and throwing her on the bed.

Olivia let’s out a small squeak and I fall on top of her.

My hand start immediately exploring her body and opening her jeans.

Olivia lifts her ass and I pull her jeans off and at the same time she lifts her arms taking the t-shirt off.

She looks beautiful with her white underwear.

“Do you like it?” - she asks while I look down at her body with hungry eyes

“I’ll like it better on the floor” - I say while I take my T-shirt off.

I fall back on top of Olivia and my mouth fall in her collarbone. Olivia shivers while I kiss her soft skin.

I undo her bra and take her nipple into my mouth sucking on it as if our lives depended on it.

My other hand supporting my weight on the bed so I don’t crash on her. Olivia’s nails trail down my back sending jolts of pleasure down me. I can feel my erection aching inside my boxers.

Olivia is hungry for me and her hands are doing all the work taking my clothes off. Once naked I feel a lot more comfortable and I start placing kisses down her body. From her nipple to her stomach to her thigh and to the inside of her leg teasing her pussy.

I can hear her breathing getting heavier. My tongue plays with her clit and Olivia let’s out a loud moan while her hands grab my hair keeping me in place. Her hips move getting me closer to her. Her snell is intoxicating and I can’t stop myself now. One finger finds its way inside of her moving in circles. Once I tou h her g spot Olivia moans. I add another finger and finger fuck her. In and out non stop until her legs start shaking while her orgasm gets closer and my mouth sucking on her clit.

Olivia explodes in my mouth and around my fingers.

I lift my head and smile at her. She’s panting with her eyes closed and messy hair all around her.

I get up and hover her body with my lips placing kisses all over her neck and her jawline teasing her. Olivia opens her eyes and smiles at me.

Her hands touch my chest and she gives me the signal to move.

I lay in my back with my hands behind my head and Olivia starts kissing my body going down to suck me off.

Olivia takes me in her mouth while her tongue swirls around me. Teasing me. She licks the pre cum from the tip and then starts licking and sucking all of my length. I am so turned in right now.

Her eyes meet mine while she sucks me off and I can see lust in them.

I corrupted my wife.

Fuck how nice it is to say my wife.

Olivia’s hand find my balls and she massages them while her tongue licks every inch of me.

I sit up and grab Olivia moving her to her back laying down under me while my cock opens way to enter her pussy.

Her hand wrap around my neck and her legs around my waist while I start pounding into her as if our life’s were about to end.

We both breath heavier and Olivia moans each time I get deeper into her.

I fuck get fast and deep while her breasts bounce under me and I take one of them in my mouth sucking on her nipple while I keep pounding on her.

Olivia’s legs start shaking and I know she is about to have her orgasm to I start fucking faster and harder grabbing her ass.

Olivia cries with her orgasm and I explode at the same time inside of her.

I kiss her lips and slide out of her laying down in my back next to her.

Olivia moves wrapping her arms around my stomach and placing her head on my chest.

“I love you” - she says

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

We both fall asleep and we wake up when we hear a knock on the door.

I get up wrapping a sheet around my waist and open the door to find the air hostess looking me up and down.

“Can I help you?” - I ask

“Sorry, we will be landing in one hour” - she says with her eyes scanning every inch of my uncovered body

“Ok” - I say closing the door on her face.

“Time for a shower love” - I tell her while I walk to the bathroom to start the water.

Olivia appears behind me wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my back.

“Why are you so tense?” - she asks and I turn around to look into her beautiful green eyes

“Nothing, let’s just get ready” - I tell her.

We both have a shower and I get dressed faster than Olivia and I walk out to sort out that woman.

“May I help you sir?” - she says with a smirk on her face


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