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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 129

Raphael POV

I wake up alone in bed and I am hating every second of this. Olivia put on her head that we couldn’t see each other the day before the wedding until the ceremony.

I think that is all bullshit but she decided that was how it was going to be.

She’s staying in a hotel with Mel and I am home with Maria, Gabe and Mike.

Today is the big day and I don’t know what to do with myself without her. I just wanted to hug her and see how happy she is.

We haven’t talked about the bachelor party since that day. She forgave me and I forgave her and that’s all that matters.

I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my morning routine. I am not showering until later on.

The wedding starts at noon and it is 7:00 right now.

I need to get the kids ready so they can go do the photoshoot with Olivia. Olivia booked one for me as well but at the library, she thinks that the penthouse doesn’t/t have enough class for a groom photoshoot.

I walk to the kitchen and Maria is sitting at the kitchen island sipping her coffee.

“Good morning” - I say while I walk inside and Maria jumps.

“God, you scared me” - she says with a smile on her face.

“Sorry” - I tell her walking towards the coffee machine and making myself a coffee.

“How are you feeling?” - she asks and I shrug my shoulders.

“Nervous I guess” - I tell her.

“I remember my wedding day, I was so nervous I didn’t have anything to eat all day” - she says and that’s when I start to worry.

Olivia needs to eat. I hope her mother is making her eat.

“Raphael” - I hear mom’s voice coming from the entrance

“Kitchen” - I shout back and not long after mom walks in and hugs me.

“Hello baby, I am so excited for you” - she says

“Hi, mom” - I say returning the hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Where are my grandchildren?” - she asks

“Mike and Gabe are still asleep” - I tell her and she frowns.

“Don’t start mom, today they will be really tired so I am allowing them some extra sleep in the morning” - I say

Mom is always telling me I need to be harder on them, I need to have them on tighter schedules but I think we are doing the right thing. We get them all up and ready at 7. Then they have breakfast and a little play, they have snacks and then they have a nap. After they wake up they have their lunch followed by more play, snacks, dinner, play, bath, play, milk and storytime followed by sleep at 8 pm. It works well for us and for the kids.

Once a week we let them rule us, so basically we don’t wake them up and we do everything at their rhythm.

Mom grabs some coffee for herself and we all start chatting about nothing in particular and time starts to fly by.

Around 9 we get the kids up and we give them breakfast followed by a bath and getting them dressed for the ceremony. Maria goes with them to the Hotel while I stay at home supposedly chilling but I can’t.

I need to talk to Olivia so I grab my phone and I call her

“Babe” - she says answering it

“Hey, I miss you” - I tell her

“I miss you too,” she says and that’s when it hits me, we will be married in a few hours, she will be mine for the rest of our lives.

“Are you having fun?” - I ask her

“I just had my hair done, gonna do my makeup now” - she says and I smile

“Can’t wait to see you”

‘I’ll be the one in white” - she says with a giggle.

“I’ll be the one waiting to spend the rest of my life with you’ - I say.

“I have to go, the kids are here” - Olivia says




“I love you’ - she says and I smile

“I love you too” - I say and then the call ends.

I sit back on the sofa and turn the tv on. Fuck that I need a drink.

I stand up and walk to the bar and grab myself a glass of whiskey. I down it and then pour myself another one and that’s when the door opens and Tim walks in followed by Joseph.

“What are you doing?” - Tim says throwing himself to the sofa sitting next to me.

“Having a drink” - iI say

‘No you’re not” - Joseph says grabbing the glass from my hand and drinking it.

“What the fuck” - I say

“You need to be sober” - Joseph says and I shrug

“Go on, go have a shower mate” - Tim says and I stand up taking a deep breath and I walk away from them grabbing the bottle of whiskey on the way.

“Don’t you fucking dare” - I point at Joseph when he was ready to take the bottle away from me.

“Don’t get drunk mate” - Tim says

“I won’t” - I reply walking to the bathroom.

Olivia POV

We end the call and I look at myself in the mirror and I love my hair. It’s simple but will look beautiful with the veil.

The beauty squad is with me again. My hair is the definition of perfection.

Perfect curls falling down my back with just a little bit pulled up where the veil is going to be.

“Time for makeup”

I nod my head and close my eyes allowing them to make the magic happen.

I can hear mom playing with the kids and it melts my heart.

Mom treats Mike and Gabe as her own grandchildren and I love her for it.

Maria is helping mom with the four kids so both I and Anna can get ready.

She is my maid of honour so I have the squad taking care of her as well.

Her make up is done she’s having her nails done now.

I am so nervous that I can’t even think straight. Mom has been bringing me water and food but I can barely touch it. I didn’t sleep last night. I was feeling sick and my anxiety kept creeping in.

Mom was with me and that helped a lot because I ended up having a panic attack in the middle of the night curled up in the bathroom. That’s when I realised this was a stupid idea. Staying away from Raphael. He usually is the only person that can calm me down.

“Mom” - I say

“Yes, baby?”

“Can you take the kids to play in the other room please?” - I say when I feel my anxiety taking over again.

My chest is tight. My hands are shaking and I have a horrible tingling feeling on my hands.

I grab my phone as soon as mom walks out and call Raphael while I stand up and lock myself in the bathroom.

“Liv, Liv, open the door” - Anna says while I sit on the floor hugging my legs waiting for Raphael to answer his phone.

He usually answers straight away.

Why isn’t he answering? Has he given up?

Isn’t he gonna show up?

I try calling again and no answer one more time.

Shit. I am struggling to breathe. I start counting the tiles on the wall next to me. One by one, touching each one but it’s not working. So I start pressing each finger as Raphael told me to.


I try calling him again but it goes straight to voice mail.


I can feel the tears rolling down my face. I put my fingers through my hair holding my head.

Everything is spinning now.

He’s gonna leave me on our wedding day. He’s not gonna show up and I’m gonna be the mock of the city.

“Liv, please open the door” - Anna says again and I ignore her.

I keep trying to breathe but it’s not working. I look at my hand and I see the engagement ring. I start to rotate it on my finger and strangely calms me down.

I start to get more control about my thought and my heartbeat starts to calm down.

“Liv, open the door” - Anna says once again

“I’m okay” - I tell her with still a weak voice.

“Liv, let me in” - she says and I move to the side and unlock the door getting on my knees.

I sit back down when Anna opens the door and walks inside kneeling in front of me.

“Hey, look at me” - she says and I lift my head

“What happened?” - she asks

“My anxiety, Anna, what if he doesn’t show up?” - I ask her

“He’s not that stupid” - she barks

“Anna, what if he leaves me?”

“He won’t, if he knows what’s good for him he won’t”

“Why didn’t he answer the phone then?” - I ask her and I see her face shifts.

“He didn’t?” - she asks

“Nope” - I say emphasising the p

“He’s probably getting ready” - Anna says

“His phone went to voice mail”

“That’s odd” - Anna says

“See, even you think there’s something wrong”

Chapter 128 - The wedding part 1 1

Chapter 128 - The wedding part 1 2


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