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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 24



I wake up on my back and yet again I’m n*ked, me falling asleep n*ked is becoming a pattern. I look to my left and see Fraction asleep, I flick my eyes to the right see it’s 3:30am, the alarm clock is judging me with its red glowing lights. I stare at the ceiling, willing myself to go back to sleep. I think this is the first night in a while I haven’t woken up because of a nightmare

Laying here I can’t help but wonder about the females I left in the basement, my mind turns to Eve and Eliza and the torment they are going through while I lay here in satin sheets and watched over by at bearded hottie. If it wasn’t for Max. I’d still be there but I’d also not be with Fraction. I must remember to ask Fraction what he did with Maxhe’s not mentioned him for almost a week now. I wonder if he’s still in the cells. I look at the clock. 3:35am

Sleep isn’t happening.I hear Winter, she sounds how I feel, sad. lonely and in pain

No shit Winter, what do you suggest?‘ 

Some warm milk? I was perfectly happy dreaming of Leo until you woke me up with your constant chatter.Someone is grouchy without sleep

I wasn’t even talking. I’m not going for warm milk, the last time I got warm milk I was kidnapped, held for almost a year and then mated. against my will.” 

Fine, whatever, I’m going back to sleep.I think I pissed my wolf off


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I do get up, not because Winter told me so but because I want to, I get a pair of pyjama bottoms and one of Fractions shirts, dressed I tiptoe out of the room, so I don’t wake him. He hasn’t been sleeping much lately. I head along the hallway, pass my bedroom door, pass 

ass James’s door where I can hear the man snoring up a storm, I stifle a giggle. He’s going to have to find one deaf mate to live with that snoring. I take the stairs all the way down, I pass the warriors quarters, the floor Momma Beth shares with two guestsbedrooms and turn into the kitchen. I don’t remember making the decision to come here until I was in the basement and stood outside the not so concealed cell door. I’m talking myself into opening the door when I hear someone in the kitchen, I quickly open the door and step through

The first thing I notice is the smell, I crinkle my nose in disgust, it smells like piss, blood and sweat down here. The floor is sticky, and I am regretting not putting shoes on, I dread to think what I’m standing. in. I walk along looking in each cell. The first four are empty, when I come to the fifth, I see him. He is chained to the wall by his wrists, he’s not wearing a shirt or shoes. He still has the dress pants on that he was wearing the last time I saw him. He doesn’t look hurt. I expected him to be asleep but he’s looking me straight in the eye. Max’s eyes are the same shade of brown that haunts my dreams. he’s handsome in a refined way, I’d expect to see him in a boardroom not in a shifter cell

About time, let me out.His voice is just as gruff as I remember it

Nnno!I wish my voice hadn’t shaken; I wish I was stronger

You smell like him, like that Alpha. Has my mate been busy?” 

I’m not your mate. We rejected you.” 

Well, I reject your rejection.” 

You can’t do that. Fraction is my mate; you are just some man who bought me.I feel him before he speaks





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Little wolf, why are you down here?Fraction is standing behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. You shouldn’t be down here alone.” 

I needed to see him. I had to know if he was still here.” 

Max is staring daggers at Fraction, and I can feel the Alpha auras pulsing in the air, it’s making me want to drop to my knees and submit but I’m confused which one is making me feel like this

I, Anna Clem, reject you Max as my Alpha and mate.With this I turn and leave the cells, Max is howling, and I can hear the pain my rejection has put him in. I don’t look back though. I run through the cells, through the basement and into the kitchen

I’m leaning against the kitchen counter when I hear Fraction closing the basement door. I’m trying to get my breathing under control when I hear him pop the microwave open and press some buttons. He picks me up bridal style and pops me on the kitchen side

Tell me why?He sees the question in my eyes, Why 

ller a week you finally leave our bedroom, in the dead of night and go and see Max?He sounds upset. I place my hand on his cheek and he leans. into my touch

I had to know he was still there, and I needed him to hear my rejection for himself. I didn’t want to wake you.” 

Next time you want to do something like this, wake me up. I don’t like you putting yourself in danger.the microwave dings and he moves to pour us both a warm milk. He turns and hands one to me, You look good in my clothes little wolf.” 

I didn’t want to walk to my room n*ked,” 

We could move your clothes into our room, which would make things 


easier.His green eyes seem to be glowing as he looks at me

I don’t know, your room has a broken windowFraction laughs at that

I’m happy you finally came out of our bedroom little wolf.” 

Well someone has to protect you from all the females around here.Fraction puts his mug down and comes to stand between my legs. His hand snakes up my back and into my hair, with a slight pull he tilts my head to the side opening my neck up to him. My pulse is pounding but I’m not scared, as he sends k*sses from the bottom of my neck up to my ear. My breathing gets heavier, and I put my hands on his shoulders. The only female I see is you.Fraction whispers in my car. I turn my head and connect my mouth with his, I delve my tongue into his mouth. Fractions hands leave my hair, and he pulls me closer to him. while kneading my ass. I’m whimpering into his mouth as he takes all I have to give. A cough behind Fraction causes us to come up for air

That’s just unsanitary.Rick says as Fraction turns to him and growls. What? I would’ve waited and got a full show, but I figured you would. like to keep that side of our Luna to yourself.Fraction is truly growling now

Patrick, don’t wind him up.I say as I grab Fractions head and place a peck on his cheek. I’m going back to bed. Goodnight.” 



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