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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 13

Wright got down from the car, he looked at the house and he was glad that the lights were off which could only mean that Riona has retired for the night.

He knows that Riona would definitely not let this issue to slide as she would make sure to bring it up tomorrow. He is not yet sure of what to tell her, but at least he was happy that while he awaits the event of tomorrow to unfold, he would be allowed some rest for tonight.

While having the dance with Maeve, Wright had not known how quickly the time had gone by. It was when he realized that he had spent a lot of time with Maeve that he had immediately requested that they leave.

He opened the door carefully. Of course he was certain that there was no need for sneaking, but he had to be careful just in case Riona wakes up as a result of noise.

As soon as he entered the house, he breathed in relieve. He was glad that he was able to make it back without having to deal with Riona just yet.

However, his joy was cut short when the lights went on.

Wright was shocked by this as it became obvious that he wasn’t alone in the sitting room.

He heard a voice say “Its past 1 am dad”.

He turned his face slowly to where the voice had come from and he realized that Riona has been sitting on the couch all along. He was taken by surprise because just a moment ago, he was jubilating that he would not have to face her.

This means that she has seen him sneaking in and so he felt pity for himself.

He decided to ignore her and go in but as he was about climbing the staircase, she continued and he reluctantly stopped to listen to whatever she was going to say.

“You ignored my call, and now you are also going to ignore my presence. What is happening dad, tell me what is going on?” she asked.

She stood up from the couch and went to stand in front of him. “What is it with all the sneaking around?” she.

“It is late Rio” Wright managed to say.

“Of course I know that it is late that is why I told you that it is past 1 am. When did you even start coming back this late?” she asked.

She was beginning to get agitated and so was Wright who felt she had no right to talk to him in such manner.

“I am your dad, Riona, and you must respect me as such” he said.

“And still I have a right to know exactly where you’ve been all night” she retorted.

The tension between them was already building up. And it was becoming obvious to the both of them that they were both getting on each others nerve.

“And you don’t talk to me in such manner girl” he flared.

Wright was beginning to raise his voice, and to keep up with him, Riona also raised hers.

“To hell I will. If all you do is keep late nights with no thoughts of informing me whilst at it, and sneaking to enter your own house, I have every damn right to talk to you whichever way I chose to” she screamed.

Wright was bewildered and he wondered what had come over his little girl and when she got this aggressive. She has always been a very outspoken person, but Wright could tell that he had never seen her like this, completely out of control to the extent of talking to him in such a degrading manner.

Although he agrees that his attitude tonight had not been the best, he still believes that it does not in any way warrant his little girl talking to him in this manner and so he screamed. “Riona!”.

Riona was not expecting such a loud scream from him. She looked at him and a tear dropped from her eyes.

“I stayed awake all night daddy, and I even made us dinner but its lying on the dining table, untouched” she said.

She had gotten emotional as she could not understand why her dad, the only person that she has in her life right now, would chose to treat her this way.

She made to run away from him, but he was fast enough to catch her by her hands and drew her close to him.

“I am sorry if I had hurt you Rio, I never intended for that to happen” he apologized.

Hearing the apology from her dad, she began to sob. She would do anything to ensure that her dad never leaves her side but it is beginning to look like the more she tried, the further apart he drifts.

Wright could not bear seeing his daughter in her present state. He admits that he is wrong, but that does not warrant Riona’s outburst. However, he would do anything to make his daughter happy and he understands that her unsteady emotional state must be as a result of the trauma suffered from losing her mum.

“I would not leave you all alone again Rio, I promise” he assured her.

He led her to sit on the couch, and he placed her to sit on his thighs. He strokes her hair as he looked into her eyes.


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