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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 14

Riona’s jaws dropped as she listened to her dad speak. She could not believe what she was hearing. All of these could definitely not be coming from him, she thought. Where was the love that he never stopped professing for her mum?

When Riona got the news of the mum’s death, she had feared that a day like this would come when her dad would forget about all the love that he shared with her mum. But then, her dad had acted so well that she had to dismiss the thought as only a figment of her imagination.

She had seen how the home of a couple of her friends got torn apart immediately they lost their mum and their dads soon got themselves a new wife and gradually transferred the love for them to the new wife and the kids they had together.

She had sworn to herself that her dad was different and would not act like the dads of her friends. But no, she was wrong all along as he seems to be exactly like the rest.

When she could not take it anymore, she burst into tears and ran up the staircase.

Wright could not understand what had triggered Riona’s reaction. He looked at her as she ran, and he decided not to go after her. He believes had been soft on her for too long and it is about time that she is left to face reality.

To Wright, Riona should be allowed to grow up and to understand that things would not always go her way. Yes, he knows he owns it as a duty to make her happy, but it is high time she realized that others around her deserve some level of happiness too.


Riona ran and opened the door to her mum’s room and entered. She fell down on the bed and was sobbing.

After a while, she sat up and looked at the door. She was wondering why her dad had not run right after her as he had always done.

She got up and went to put on the light in the room. As soon as she did, she discovered a necklace of her mum lying on the floor of the room. She bent and picked it and she remembered what led to the necklace being on the floor.


Riona was alone in her mum’s room on that Friday afternoon. She was holding her mum’s necklace and standing in front of the dressing table. She tried on the necklace and then looked at herself at the mirror in front of her. She saw that the necklace fitted her so perfectly and she was happy.

“Okay, when next I go out with mum, I am going to ask for this rare piece of jewelry” she said as she admired herself in the mirror.

“And when will mum be discharged from the hospital? I just can’t wait to have her with me once again” She lamented.

Riona had wondered why her mum was not back from the hospital yet. She had only gone to see her on the second day of her being admitted into the hospital. Her dad assured her that there was no need to keep visiting her mum as she would soon be discharged from the hospital and would then come back home to her.

At first, Riona refused to listen to her dad’s excuse and had insisted on going to visit her in the hospital regardless of how long she was going to stay. And to make her agree to him, Wright had further explicitly assured her that her mum would remain on admission in the hospital for just one week and that the doctor said that it was not safe for Riona to visit. And just so she could please her mum, Riona had agreed to the arrangement.

She dismissed the thoughts on her mum for the meantime and she continued to look at herself in the mirror and it was very obvious that she liked what she was seeing as she beamed as she took different poses.

She could not explain it, but strangely, the necklace that she was already putting on dropped on the floor and this sent a cold chill to her. But in order not to make any issue from this, she dismissed the feelings and never attached any meaning to it.

She bent to pick up the necklace from the floor but her phone that was on the bed started to ring and she left the necklace on the floor and went to get her phone.

She looked at her phone screen, the call was from her dad.

“Oh daddy” she said before she picked the call.

Contrary to her dad’s promise of her mum only staying in the hospital for a week, she had remained in the hospital for ten days now. Wright had promised to take Riona to go see Evolette today and Riona on her part had made up her mind that nothing would stop her from going there today.

Even though this was not the first day that Wright would be making such assurance to her, as he had been doing that for the past three days, Riona was sure to make today different and ensure that he kept his promise.

“Hello daddy”

There was no response on the other end of the receiver, so she continued to speak.

“Hello daddy, is that you daddy?” she asked.

Yet there was no response.

“Can you hear me daddy, hello” she said once again.

The call dropped. She looked at her phone and wondered why she was not hearing what her dad was saying as she was sure she heard some sound from the other end.

She thought about what would have made her dad not say anything to her. Could it be as a result of poor network, or was his phone faulty. However, since she was unable to ascertain what might have been the cause for such, she resolved on putting the phone back on the bed while she patiently awaits the arrival of her dad.

Riona had already missed her mum to a point that she could take it no longer. She believes that she had been stretched to her limit and might explode if her dad tries to play games with her this time around and she had already made this known to him when he was leaving this morning.


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