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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 19

Riona looked at her dad. Whatever he wanted to say was obviously very serious.

In her worried state, she tried to recall the events of the past few days so as to know what might be the issue but she could not pinpoint any possible thing that had happened or that she might have done to annoy her dad. As far as she knew, everything was going well between them.

Still, in her quest to know what her dad would want to say, her mind drifted to Maeve and Riley. She was surprised to realize that it had been a long time since her dad had bothered her with Maeve and Riley. And she felt that he had come to accept that she doesn't want anything to do with them.

On the issue between her dad and Maeve, Riona discovered that there was nothing to show that he was seeing Maeve some other place. On her part, Riona has stopped sneaking on her dad neither had she tried to bother herself on anything concerning Maeve anymore. She has resolved that as long as he does not bring it home, then it was not her business.

Having exhausted all possible topics, Riona wondered what then her dad would be so desirous of discussing with her. If it is about the school, she has been at her best this session and since there was no issue with school, then there was nothing to discuss that. Having searched and realized that she could not come up with anything, she replied. “What about dad?”

Wright inhaled. He took some time to access his daughter and he saw before him a girl that is growing into a pretty lady. Then he continues.

“Honey, you know it has been a while since we lost your mum, and all through this time, we have both been here together, all by ourselves” he began.

“Of course dad and we would be together forever. I love it this way dad, I know that you are trying your very best to be here for me, and I sincerely appreciate that from the bottom of my heart” she replied.

Wright was becoming more skeptical about what he was about to say. Riona never fails to make it obvious that she loves the idea of it being just the both of them, and she always emphasized that she would love it to remain that way.

However, since he had decided to say this, he went on with it. “You would agree with me that we have to move forward, I know that’s what Evolette would have wanted”

Riona could not understand what her dad meant by wanting to move forward. They don’t talk about her mum’s death anymore, and to a great extent, life has returned back to normal with them.

“But we are already moving forward, dad” Riona said.

“Or is there something that we are not doing right, or something that we need to do?” Riona asked.

“Not like this Rio, I need to move forward and you have to be open to changes, that’s what life is all about. We have to make decisions that would enable us to move forward, decisions that would be good for us”. He said.

He deliberately stopped to see how Riona had absorbed all that he had said. But she was just looking at him without making any sound and so it was hard for him to know how she felt.

“What do you think about that, Rio?” he asked.

“Okay dad, do you suggest we move out, do you want us to change location?” Riona asked.

“Far from that, I am not requesting that we leave this place” he replied.

“Then what do you want?” she asked.

“I am getting married soon, Rio” He announced.

Wright could see the hurt in Riona’s eyes immediately he made the announcement; her shock was obvious. He felt bad that it had to be this way, but what was he to do when his daughter had made herself completely inaccessible? He hoped she would understand and he also prayed that she finds it in her heart to forgive him if his decision has hurt her.

“Just like that, dad” she said.

She was already furious and she was not hiding it.

“Calm down Rio…”

Riona was not having any of that, he should not ask her to calm down, he has no right to.

“You don’t ask me to calm down daddy. Can you just listen to yourself? You just walk up to me to tell me that you are getting married. Are you trying to tell me that I mean absolutely nothing to you? We are supposed to be together, to have each other’s back and you were already seeing someone and I knew nothing, absolutely nothing about it. Just how unfair can this get?” she screamed.

“Please don’t see it like that honey, I was going to tell you from the start, but I did not know how to, I was worried about how you were going to see it” he pleaded.

“So why do it now, what changed?” Riona asked.

“Nothing Rio” he replied.

It was after Wright had already replied that he realized what her question meant, and he quickly corrected himself.

“You have to know, there is no way we can go on with the wedding without you knowing. We have to tell you” he said.

By now, Riona had become a little bit relaxed. She feels that instead of getting infuriated, it was better for her to calm down and get all the necessary information concerning the supposed marriage.

“So who are you getting married to dad?” she asked.

This was the part that Wright had dreaded all along. How was he to tell her that the very person that he is getting married to is the same person that she has been kicking against from the very first time that she got to know about her?


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