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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 18

Maeve was inside of her office and Wright was sitting in front of her. Wright had come over to Maeve’s office for him and Maeve to have a discussion.

Maeve was having a startling feeling inside of her as she looked at Wright. She wants to bring up an issue with Wright but she was not sure of how he would react to that.

Maeve saw Wright as a very nice fellow, and he had consciously and unconsciously gone out of his way to please her countless times. Just as he had done today, he had to squeeze an hour out of his very busy schedule to meet up with her here at her office to discuss their plans. He would have been the best Alpha of Shadow Rank if not for his evil cousin, Derrick. She had always wanted to talk about the issue with Derrick with him, but she knew that that would be the last thing he would want to talk about.

They have been talking about so many other things, and by the time it got to the issue with Riona, Wright had suddenly grown cold. She was aware of what might be the reason for that. But however, she thinks she still has to talk to him about it if they are going to make any headway in their preparations.

When Maeve finally decided to go on with her question, she said “Have you told her anything yet?”

Wright hesitated a little before responding “Not yet” he replied.

“So when do you intend to do that?” Maeve asked.

Wright thought about Maeve's question. He has to let Riona in on what he has with Maeve. But he is skeptical about how she would take it. She has never hidden her feelings about Maeve, and even though Maeve has given her no reason to, she is bent on not wanting to have anything to do with either Maeve or her daughter, Riley.

Considering all of these, he wondered how he was supposed to walk up to Riona and announce to her that she would be having a stepmom in the person of Maeve. He just cannot begin to imagine how Riona would react to that.

One might consider him a weakling, but as much as he knows that he is doing the right thing, he still would not want to hurt Riona’s feelings even if the feelings were not justified.

But even if he did finally bring himself to reveal the situation to Riona, he wondered if she would even agree to hear him out. He wondered if she would not scream to high heavens, and lament how her father, the only person that she is left with has finally abandoned her, and all thanks to her supposed enemies.

With all of these thoughts about Riona's presumed reaction in his mind, Wright sighed and avoided Maeve’s eye contact.

Maeve could tell that Wright was lost in thought. She knew that he was definitely thinking about Riona. She knows Riona well enough to be able to envisage how she would react, and breaking the news of her relationship to her would bring down the heavens. But then, she has to be told come what may.

To Maeve, there was no denying the fact that she loves Riona, at least to a reasonable extent, but it is high time that she has to be taught that the world does not all revolve around her. Her dad has lost his wife for some years now, and he deserves to move on with someone else if he chooses to.

“I can go with you to tell her if you want me to” Maeve


Wright refused to accept her offer “There would be no need for that, Maeve” he said.

Was she serious about offering to go with him to go see Riona break this news to her? Wright thought. He knew that it is good news, but they both know that it will not be so to Riona when she hears of it.

He has been very careful and has kept his affairs with Maeve as discreet as possible, away from Riona. He has been waiting all these while for a time that would be perfect to break the news to Riona, but all along, there has never been any such perfect time.

He has also tried in different ways and has also employed various techniques and strategies to make Riona get along with Maeve and her daughter, Riley. But it seemed as if the more he tried, the further she drifted apart from them and the fiercer her hatred for them got.

There was a time that Wright suggested that Riley should come and spend a night or two at their place when Maeve had told them that she was going out of town, but Riona blatantly kicked against that.

Even at another time when Wright got an appointment that would take him out of town and had tried to make Riona to go stay with Maeve and Riley at their apartment until the time he would be back, she had opted to either go with him, or travel to go stay with her aunt Kyra until the arrival of her dad and she ended up going with him on the trip.

Maeve tried to study Wright's demeanor. She wondered if she and Wright were going to remain in hiding in their relationship in perpetuity. Anyways, she trusted him and was certain that he knew what he is doing, even though with someone like Riona, one can never be too careful.

“So how are the plans coming on, I hope you’ve got everything under control?” Wright asked.

He decided to take the discussion away from Riona. She is his responsibility, at least in the mean time and he knew how to go about talking to her.

“Yes, they have all been taken care of, except of course for Riona? Maeve said and tried to place some emphasis on Riona.

Wright noticed that Maeve had rolled her eyes as she mentioned Riona’s name. He could not help but feel bad about the way things are. If he had gotten Riona under control when he should have, she would not be this hard to crack.

On her part, Maeve had deliberately answered the way she did. She wanted him to know that she had fully taken care of every single thing that needed to be done on her part, and that it was now left for him to do his only single task, which was no other thing but Riona. And she hoped that he got her message.

“Oh, I see. Leave that to me” Wright replied.

He could see that his inaction is really delaying everything. And the truth is, the longer he delays approaching Riona on this, the more delicate it becomes. And right now, he promised himself that he would talk to Riona about him and Maeve today, come what may.

“Come to think of it, how is the project going?” Maeve asked.


Wright was not sure of the project Maeve was referring to. so he asked her which project she was asking about for more clarity.

From the look on Wright, Maeve could tell that he was truly lost and did not know what project she was referring to. So she decided to clarify him on the project she was asking him about.

“The one you told me about the other day, remember?” she said

Wright just stared at her as he was still confused on what project she was asking for.

“The project that was just awarded to your company and you are personally supervising” she said.

“Yeah, now I remember” Wright said.

“I had almost forgotten that I told you about it you know” he added.

“You better not Wright. Have you forgotten that you promised to contact my company to come do the analysis once the project kicks off?” she asked.

“Of course I did, and yes I have not forgotten” he said.

“And we are still waiting for the offer from your company” she said.

“Sure. The project would kick off in a week or so, we would send our proposal before that time” he responded.

Wright put up a smile. He has always marveled at how serious Maeve goes about her business. She would never let an opportunity pass her by. She expands and spreads her tentacles far and wide in pursuant of clients and development. Who would have thought that she would talk about business when only about a moment ago, all that had mattered to her was nothing else but Riona.


Wright walked into the sitting room from the staircase and looked around. He is on the lookout for Riona. When he saw that she was not in the sitting room, he decided to look at the back of the house.


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