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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Honey I’m Home!

Lotties POV:

“So, who is coming tomorrow?” I asked my best friend Lilly, who was twirling in the mirror, the expensive satin of her wedding dress swishing around her ankles, so absorbed in her reflection that she was only half listening to me. Tomorrow was her big day, and ever the perfectionist, she just had to check everything still fit perfectly.

“Umm, the usual: our pack, Daddy’s business partner, bordering packs, and their alphas. It’s only a small gathering.” She mumbled, brushing her hands over her tiny waist.

“Small.” I nodded sarcastically; we clearly had a very different understanding of what small meant, but as the daughter of the ruthless Alpha of the Crimson Moon packs, I guess this was small.

“You know your mating ceremony will be just like this!” Sage chuckled, watching Lilly through my eyes.

“Not a chance!” I barked, looking over at Lilly and her lavish dress, fake lashes and tan. I loved her and her confidence, but I was definitely more subtle than Lilly, never one to bask in the limelight but hide in the back! So this sort of opulence wasn’t for me.

“Your dad and Alpha Leigh won’t accept any less than an extravagant ceremony! You are screwed, as they won’t allow you a low-key event! You are the Beta’s daughter. You must represent the pack; you know Mike will want all this too! Frills and all!” Sage teased, making me groan, shutting her out. I looked at Lilly warmly, smiling at her; she was truly beautiful!

“You look beautiful, Lilly, very skinny,” I added, knowing it was what she wanted to hear, but the truth was she did! She was the kind of girl that would look beautiful in a garbage bag.

“You think?” She asked; seeing how her l*p twisted into a smile, I knew she was satisfied with my answer.

“Yes!” I stated firmly. Clapping giddily, she gasped, running to the dressing table; she returned with a box, placing it in my lap.

“I got you a gift to thank you; I know I have been a bridzillar the last few months preparing for the wedding.” Taken back, I glanced between her and the beautifully styled box in my lap. Running my hand over the pretty pink ribbon, I look at her, remembering why I love her so much! She may be spoiled, a damned princess and an insane drama queen, but she never ceased to make me feel special and appreciated!

“You shouldn’t have.” A polite smile painted my l*ps.

“Oh shh.” She grinned happily, tapping the box she stood; carefully, she stripped out of her wedding dress, unashamedly walking around in nothing but a white lace thong.

“Lilly!” I squealed, averting my eyes. “What if someone walks in!” I laughed.

“Then I will have my brothers spoon their eyes out!” She winked, groaning at the mention of her brothers.

“Not all of us have brothers to protect our reputation.” I laughed, shaking my head nervously. Looking at the box and then back to Lilly, admiring her enthusiasm. I wish I had an ounce of her confidence!

“Go try it on; Mike will die when he sees you in it!” She laughed, pulling me to my feet, nodding for me to open the box. Rolling her eyes, she ushered me into one of the fitting rooms to try it on.

“Prude!” She laughed! “And once Mike sees you, I am pretty sure he will fight the damned devil for you!”

“Wait, what?” I asked nervously as she pushed me into the fitting room, winking at me as she closed the door. “Lilly, what have you done?” I groaned, but curiosity was getting the better of me.

“You will thank me later when he can’t keep his hands off you!” She laughed. “I have a matching one!” Excitement chased the fear down my spine; Lilly had incredible taste, so whatever was in the box I knew would be mouth-wateringly beautiful.


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