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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Thank You


Lottie POV 

Is that SO!Kane asked darkly; I could hear the smirk in his tone before the harsh swat landed on my ass, making me yelp for more, his hands tightening on my wrists, reminding me he was in control. The familiar sting began to cover the skin of my bottom; I pulled myself to lie fully across his lap, leaning my head and shoulders over where he had perched on the stool, allowing him to completely dominate this experience

Yes!I barked while his hand rubbed the spot he had just abused, wiggling my ass into his hold, beseeching him for more without saying it

But I will behave for the next ten minutes if you continue.I bartered his laughter, filling the large kitchen

The rest of the damn day!He countered, making me groan. Or I stop!He warned, removing his hand. Instantly, I felt lost without its presence, so I reluctantly 

nodded, surrendering

Use your words, Lottie!His hand still absent

Yes, fine!I whispered. For the rest of the day!I promised, and instantly, there were a dozen swats more across my p**sy; the sensation of each swat carried through to my ass, to my S*x which was now soaking my thong. I didn’t fight him at all; I wanted to lay here over his lap, experiencing the punishment he 


Never had Mike and I played like this; it was always a onesided shit show, but my b*dy’s reaction to the sensations Kane was dispensing on my sore rear end had my mind made up the 

I wanted more than to be mated and bound before I had a chance to experience LIFE

What do you say, Charlotte?Kane asked as I made soft moaning sounds after each swat landed, sending a sweet sting radiating across my reddening ass




Chapter 13 Thank You

Thank you!I cried out as he continued harder this time than before, the sting to my bottom driving me wild

Good girl!He praised making my p**sy drench with arousal

Thank you!I whispered again, realising I loved not knowing when the swat would land, where it would be felt, not knowing how hard that strike would be. The one spanking had total control over the experience, and I found that almost as arousing as the spanking itself

F***!I admitted to Sage, who was almost giddy with lust

He then paused and began to rub my butt gently, softly sliding his hands over each cheek in a circular motion, before he struck my ass quickly with a smack to each cheek, allowing the sting to build on my ass before he rubbed it lightly again

Harder!I whimpered, finding that every time his hand landed across my bottom, I could feel the swat vibrate my ass all the way to my clit

You will be grateful for what you are given!He mused, and I knew that I was certainly going to enjoy this experience and whatever Kane did, in fact, give me. I just hoped it would last a little longer yet. I was so close to cumming it was insane

Yes!I purred as he lifted my dress further up my back to reveal my nude thong. Gripping it, he pulled it down over my hips and down my legs, smacking the back of my thighs to tell me to step out of it, which I did willingly

Bastard!I growled as he pulled my dress higher to rest at the small of my back, then continued to rub my slightly pinking cheeks

This is a surprise, Charlotte!Kane admitted as he cupped one of my n*ked buttocks, giving it a firm squeeze. I’d expected you to have big panties on, not this S*xy little thing! Not that it mattered; I would have still spanked your pretty pink butt regardless.He shared out loud, making me pout- as if I wore Bridget Jones. pants! I was sheltered, not 90

But these makes it much easier to get to you.He continued, bringing his free hand around to look at my underwear approvingly



Chapter 13 Thank You

Open!He ordered, tapping my mouth, fuck I wanted to refuse, but I didn’t dare in case he stopped

I thought you were going to behave?He reminded me. Making me ask you twice is not behaving.” Sighing, I opened my mouth; the second my l*ps parted, he shoved my soaked underwear into the void my l*ps had created

They are to stay in there till I tell you otherwise. Do you understand Charlotte?” Ha asked sternly with a slap to my ass so hard I felt my arousal coat my thighs

Nodding quickly. I groaned, tasting my sweet juices coating my tongue

Good girl!He whispered, stroking up over my p**sy, pausing a moment to run his fingers through my folds. I could feel his b*dy tense and guessed he was fighting the urge to dip his finger inside me

You enjoyed this ALOT, didn’t you, Charlotte?He asked huskily, sliding his finger into my slit once, twice, then curling them inside me and pulling a muffled moan from my l*ps. Sliding his thick digit out of me with a growl, he dragged his finger coated in my arousal up to my ass before running a finger very lightly across my anus, making my buttocks tense

No!I pleaded through the nude fabric filling my mouth. I hadn’t thought much about him wanting or expecting S*x after he spanked me, though I did have to admit, the thought wasn’t without its merits

Kane!I moaned as he continued rubbing my buttocks while I tried to estimate how big his erection could be. Forcing myself to count the floor tiles, anything to stop me cumming at the feeling of being utterly vulnerable and helpless while he silently explored my most intimate parts

Relax Charlotte!He cooed, but I could easily feel the bulge of him against my tummy from his erection, and even though I had always feared making love with a man who had a large dick, thinking my very limited experience in S*x would make that difficult at the very least. I wasn’t opposed to Kane using more than his hands on my p**sy… 


14.05 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 13 Thank Yout 


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