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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Tequila


Lottie POV 

Hey, Conny!I smile politely before lowering my hand from Knox’s shoulder. Knox wasted no time taking my hand in his to bring it to his l*ps for the gentlest of k*sses, reminding me of a knight in a fairy tale, but Knox was no knight, and this was no fairy tale

Hey Char! You look so pretty!Conny offered with a condescending smile that told me she thought I looked anything but pretty! She always was a b*tch who had a way of messing with people’s heads. She wanted to be top dog; she hated that Lilly- The alpha’s daughter and I were such close friends! She hated the relationship I had with her family, feeling she deserved to be treated the same. But I wasn’t just Lilly’s friend; I was The Beta’s daughter! Even if he forgot I existed half the time, that still gave me a bit of clout within the pack

Thanks!I smiled, deciding today wasn’t the day to rise to her shit! Knox, sensing my tension, gave my fingers a gentle squeeze, tugging my attention away from Conny and her sneer

I walked off to the table, and the seats I knew were ours thanks to the million. times Lilly had insisted we practise this day, although I thought I was going to be sat with Mike, laughing, dancing and enjoying my night! Not nervous to sit down because my ass hurt from being spanked by my best friend’s older brother while sitting next to her other brother and wondering if he spanked as well as his twin

Willingly, his feet followed me. Although I wasn’t stupid, I could see him staring back at Kane and Conny! I understood why, of course. I had heard the rumours about Conny.hooking up Knox before he left. Conny had told anyone who would listen how Knox had chased her, seduced her and made her lover’s promises about how when he got back from training, they could pick up where they left off

She was beautiful, with her deep brown eyes and long wavy hair that framed her tanned skin and pretty face. Topped off with long, slender legs and the tiniest waist I had ever seen



Wed, 13 

Chapter 15: Tequila

She’s always so glamorous! The way men look at her, she’s so lucky,” I whispered as Knox pulled my chair out for me, nodding for me to sit. His eyes. flickered between Kane and Conny


Looking at the chair, I winced, seeing it was hard, uncushloned and likely to hurt my recently abused ass like a mother fucker. Chancing a glance in Kane’s direction, I groaned, seeing him looking directly at me, a smug expression plastered on his handsome face

Bastard!I mouthed, sitting as carefully as I could; I tried to gracefully cross my legs so that I didn’t put too much pressure on my right ass cheek. Knox’s luscious scent floated past me, making me moan inwardly. F*** he smelt amazing

She’s not glamorous, angel! YOU are glamorous, exquisite even!Knox whispered in my ear to correct me as he pushed my chair in. The hairs at the nape of my n*eck tingling from his closeness. I watched him sit down beside me, turning to give Conny his back. My cheeks flushed under his intense gaze

I mean it, Lottie! She is just expensive slap, slutty dresses and cheap perfume! YOU.. you are the real deal! Never forget that!Knox explained, leaning closer, his voice low and husky

She looks good with Kane, though!I challenged, making him look over. He looks proud to have her on his arm.I noted as they came to join us at the table, walking around the back of us to sit beside me. Conny was babbling about something inaudible as they passed by. Kane’s fingers stroked the back of my bare shoulders affectionately. A reminder of how his hands felt caressing my ass flashed in my mind, sending shivers down my spine and a tense growl from Knox

Risking a glance over my shoulder at Kane, I smirked, seeing him roll his eyes at Connie and wink at me

See that? Like fuck he is proud or enjoying her company! He looked like he wanted to shove something in her mouth to shut her up! And not the thing she was hoping he would shove in her tonight either!Sage muttered, watching through my 


Not as proud as l’am to have you on mine!Knox interjected with a wink



8.14% *

Chapter 15: Tequila

pulling me from my inner dialogue with Sage; he had a way of making me feel special and leaving me speechless, I noted, chewing the inside of my l*p

Smooth!I chuckled softly at him, seeing him get a waiter’s attention, nodding to him as he tapped our glasses, indicating he would like him to fill our glasses with the complimentary champagne

She’s cut off!Kane’s voice cut through the S*xual tension between Knox and me, his tone laced with authority that had my S*x clenching but, more importantly, caused everyone to stare

She can do as she likes, asshole!I heard Lilly bellow. Knox’s l*ps curled into at smirk at their sassy sister, who, even from her table, had to have her voice heard

Agreed!Knox winked at Lilly, who held her glass up to me, making me flush Scarlett as all eyes turned to look at me. Unlike their sister, I hated being the centre. of attention

Thank you!I whispered, but Knox watched me closely as I brought the drink to my l*ps. Over the rim of the glass, my eyes darted to Kane, who shook his head. once, a clear message passing between us. I dare you!‘ 

I wanted to take the challenge, but I didn’t trust Kane not to make an example out of me in front of everyone here. Without a sip, I lowered the glass to the table and smiled at Knox as if I had taken a mouthful. My eyes widened, seeing him lean closer to me, my mouth instantly dry, watching his l*ps parting as he leaned into my 


A girl could become obsessed with those l*ps

Like, I didn’t just fücking notice that you faked drinking that! Are you scared of Kane?Knox whispered, smirking at him. I arched a brow, my l*ps splitting into a 


No!I laughed flirtatiously. I just don’t like champagne!I lied sweetly with a face that screamed, Butter wouldn’t melt.‘ 

Yeah, I don’t blame you! This shit tastes like ass! How about tequila?!Knox 



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