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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Out

Chapter 32: Out


Lottie POV 

Bit extreme! A family of eight could sleep on this!I grumbled as I sat on the large bed in my new room and sighed heavily

Well, you, that’s oneKane is big enough for two, so that makes three.. Then Knox.. what’s that? Five easily.. then once we start popping out pups, you are gonna be grateful for this bed!Sage announced proudly

Ughh!I screamed, throwing myself back on the bed and pulling a pillow to scream into

Do you think twins run in the family.. I mean, they are big fuckers.. your poor vagina! But imagine if it’s twins! I meanOuch!Sage prattled on. I closed my eyes in a bid to silence her so I could think

What if it’s triplets..Damn girl, they are gonna be walking out!” 

SAGE!I growled in frustration

Only trying to keep your mind off..” 

The fact my best friend hates me! Because I am mated- to her brothers! Going to take a lot more than a gaping vagina to distract me from that, I huffed, flopping over onto my stomach

I don’t know, the idea of choking on Knox’s dick seemed to distract you nicelySighing, I ignored her, knowing what she was trying to do. She could sense my apprehension and knew, if she kept me busy, I wouldn’t have time to think of a way to fix this mess. But honestly, the only way I could think to fix any of this was to remove myself from the situation, and something told me that was not an option for 

either male

Hearing the door open, I tilted my head over my shoulder to look at the noise



Chapter 32: Out

expecting it to be one of the twins, but a tall lady with jetblack hair and startling green eyes stepped into my room, a bag hauled over her shoulder

Charlotte?She asked with a friendly smile that showed far too many teeth. I am here to do your hair and makeup.Burying my head in the bedding, I groaned loudly; I wasn’t into this girly shit, and if the twins knew the first thing about the, they would know this

Be a good girl, and I will reward you after the ball. Play up, and I will make sure you can’t sit for a week!Kane’s voice cut through my head. Instantly, I felt my S*x clench in need of his unique way of showing me he cared. Although, admittedly, his promise of a spanking seemed just as delicious as his offer of a reward! Tilting my head to look at the beauty who was now setting up the makeshift vanity, I laughed, seeing her blush red

I am sorr 

he told me to tell him when I got here.She smiled slowly. He said you may need someconvincing.” 

I happen to like it when you spank me!I grunted back through the link before shutting him out of my mind and disconnecting it for the time being. He was a bastard! He knew damn well I was a sucker for this Good girlbullshit he had 

introduced me to

Huffing, I sl*pped from the bed and plopped myself down at the vanity; looking at myself in the mirror, I found myself wondering what all the fuss was about. I wasn’t pretty like Lilly; I didn’t have the high cheekbones and a freckled nose like Connie. My eyes didn’t shine naturally like bloody sapphires or whatever soppy shit women wanted to hear. I was normal! Utterly normal! Forgettable really! Except for my hair, which was different. It was so white it almost looked silver when the sun hit 

  1. it

What would you like me to do with it?The stylist asked as she ran her fingers through the ends, chewing her l*p. Updo.. or down and curls?” 

Shave it off?I shrugged, only half joking. Maybe then the twins would want nothing to do with me

You’d still be beautiful!Knox announced from the doorway like the creeper he 

11:28 Thu, 14 Mar 

Chapter 32: Out

was. Pouting, I turned to glare at him, pausing to see Kane standing beside him with a large white box with a huge blue ribbon in his hands

Unless that is food, I ain’t interested!I muttered, trying my best to still be annoyed at Kane, but he had my interest peaked. The box looked beautiful and unlike anything I had been gifted before

Maybe it’s the moon!Sage teased me softly, reminding me of Knox’s comments. He would give me the moon if he wanted to.” 

I don’t need the Moon!I grumbled to Sage, not brave enough to add that I just needed them.” 

I can give you something to eat if you like?Knox grinned, crossing the room to stand behind me, his hands softly placed on my shoulder so he could press a k*ss on my cheek

Knox, that is no way to speak to a lady!Laura, the twin’s mother and my Luna scolded Knox. My head snapped to the door to see the exquisite vision of elegance. that she was waltzing through the door

If you saw half the things we have done to her.. you’d know that she is no lady!He mocked, squeezing my shoulders affectionately. I knew he was playing, this was Knox, S*xual and sarcastic I adored both qualities.. but maybe not in front of his damn mother


She is the ONLY lady I want!Kane announced without a care for who heard.. The conviction in his words had my heart racing, and even more confusion rip me apart internally as tears blurred my vision

Charlotte?Luna’s voice/questioned with concern. Lifting from the chair, my legs carried me quickly to her open arms, where she enveloped me in a hug that only a mother could offer. Suddenly overcome by the emotions of the last few days, I felt my b*dy tremble in her arms as I hugged myself tighter to her. My mother had died before I had a chance to get to know her, so Luna was the closest thing I had ever had to a mom. The love I bore her was not just because of pack bonds but that of family




Chapter 32: Out


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