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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 4

Lottie POV

“Beg?” He scoffed, eyes narrowing on me; I could see the inner fight between Knox and his wolf. He was a son of an Alpha. He had probably never begged for anything, let alone a female! But if he wanted me like he claimed to, he would beg!

“Yes, Beg! Or let go of me.” I declared with a newfound boldness. I was so over being weak and vulnerable, done being pushed around by those around me, and that included Mike and the damn twins! Arching a brow, I waited for him to finish whatever internal torment he was going through while he made his mind up. His hands released my hips. Evidently, he refused to dance to my tune.

“Now, look at what you’ve done!” Sage whined, making me smirk. All I had done was show him I wasn’t one of his groupies that hung off his every word.

“If there is one thing tonight has taught me, it’s that men always want what they can not have!” I snipped, shutting her out.

“You are so damn perfect, but I won’t beg!” He maintained. I watched with fascination as his eyes trailed down over the lace that wrapped my b*dy, lingering hungrily on my breasts. For once, he looked weak! The desire in his gaze filled me with a new sense of power; it had been such a long time since I felt this heat, and it was scrambling my brain.

“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it!” I laughed, rising onto my knees, an idea quickly springing to my mind. Years I had put up with his taunts, teasing and humiliation. It was time to return that favor.

“Do it, I dare ya!” Sage encouraged.

Trailing my hands down over the soft fabric that covered my breasts, I sl*pped the straps off my shoulders, letting the delicate lace slide down, my boobs bouncing free. The hiss that left Knox’s l*ps as his hands balled into the blanket had me grinning triumphantly.

Running my hands down my flat stomach, across my hips, I leaned back onto his legs with one hand for support, the other trailing between my thighs, sliding my fingers between my drenched folds, coating my finger in my arousal.

“Lottie”, I heard Knox growl as I rolled my l*ps between my teeth, letting the bottom one spring free.

As quick as a flash, his hands gripped my ass, rolling me onto my back; he followed, settling in between my thighs, his large form pushing them almost uncomfortably apart to accommodate him. I could feel his enormous member pressing against my stomach, causing me to suck in a dramatic breath.

“Shit, what have I started, Sage!” I whimpered, my eyes locked on a set of baby blues that stole all air from my lungs, his stubbornness replaced with an unsettling hunger.

His head dipped to my n*pples, his tongue pushing through his bruised l*ps from where he had been biting so hard. Slapping him hard across the face, I smirked, seeing the shocked look slide across his features, but the smirk sl*pped from my face seeing his eyes darken, his l*ps curl and growl rip from his chest. Determined to stand my ground, I tightened my eyes on him, slowly lifting a brow.

“No! Beg!” I taunted; seeing his eyes darken to the black of his wolf, I knew I had either pushed him too far or broken his resolve.

“Please”, He huffed, licking his l*ps as his eyes trailed down my throat to my chest.

“Told you!” I squealed to Sage!

“No!” I chuckled. “You can do better than that!” Pouting, I ran my finger that seconds ago was soaked in my honey over his bottom l*p. “Maybe you don’t want to taste me after all!” I announced, chewing the inside of my l*p.

“Please, Charlotte. Let me k*ss your pretty n*pples; let me suck them into my mouth and lick them until they are hard against my tongue, begging to be bitten and marked by my teeth. Let me make you feel every inch the Queen you are!”


“F**k, I will beg too! Let him do it! Please!” Sage wailed in my head, but she needn’t! I hated myself for it, but I wanted it. I wanted him, and given the look on his face, he bloody well knew it!



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