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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 20

She's fucking hot,

hotter than the flames in my fireplace. Her lips sheath her teeth,

which leaves her luscious lips wrapping around my engorged dick.

She draws my cock in. Then, out. She repeats the torturous and

teasing routine. I want to fuck her mouth hard. But, I surrender and

let her do what her heart desires. It's the holidays, anyways. And

it's hard to complain when your cock is stuffed in the love of your life's mouth.

Her much-appreciated service continues, and I'm left standing in

awe with my cock pulsating in her mouth. My baby girl's fucking

talented and thoughtful. She makes sure my balls aren't left alone as she massages them while she chokes on my length. I feel all

warm inside, like I just drank hot coffee, except she's way better

than hot coffee. I clutch her hair tightly as pleasure lances through

my body. She slips one of my balls between her lips and repeats this to its twin.

God, I'm going to fucking combust. "Baby girl, I'm so close," I


"Mmm, give it to me, Daddy. Your cock slut needs it."

Oh, fuck. Her obscene words never cease to fail to push me right

to the edge; I'm shooting my love and passion, all for her, down

her throat. "Oh my God, baby." My legs quiver.

She sucks on the head and cleans off my cock with her tongue.

"Fuck, kitten. You're too sweet to me." I pull her up and lock my

lips to hers, my tongue slipping past her lips to caress her tongue.

I breathe heavily as I move away from her lips. I cup her cheek.

"Tell me, what do you want next?" I want to hear her.

"I need your cock inside me, Daddy, please."

"You don't want your pussy devoured first?" I want to please my girl.

"No, not this holiday season."

"All right. How would you like to be fucked this Christmas, angel?"

"Doggy-style first, please."

"Good choice. Get ready for me."

She prepares, setting herself on her knees on the couch with her

ass, high up where the sun shines, on full display for me. She shakes her ass, teasing me.

I chuckle and smack her ass, eliciting a gasp from her. "You horny girl, mmm." I brush the tip of my cock along her slick folds to

tease her in return. Oh, she's so fucking ready to get her brains

fucked out. But, I want to tease her still; I continue to run the tip

against her wet folds, appreciating the erotic feeling. I grip her hair,

pulling her towards me. I whisper in her ear, "Tell me how much

you want me inside you, baby." I kiss her earlobe and await her


"Please, Daddy, I need you." That's it? No, that's not going to get us anywhere.

I circle my tip on her sex organ. "Come on, baby, you can beg much

better than that. It's Christmas, and you have to be more specific.

Tell me."

She groans. "I need your big cock, Daddy, fucking my brains out,


Good enough. I'm impatient, but I did appreciate hearing her beg

for me. "That'll do." I slide my length into the tight, wet, and warm

entryway, stretching her walls out. Finally, my cock is back where

it belongs, in my happy place, deep inside my beautiful, sweet girl.

I lean in and slowly pump my shaft.

"Oh, fuck yes," my girl mutters under her breath.

I grip her hip and plant a kiss on her shoulder. "That's my girl.

Enjoy every inch of Daddy's cock inside you, baby."

"Faster, please."

I pump my cock at a slow and sensual pace, just how I like it in the

mornings, and I don't want to alter the pace. But, I remember that I

allowed my girl to take the wheel today. I have to follow through.

So, I fulfill her request, thrusting faster. I tug on her hair that I

twisted into a ponytail. I kiss her ear and bite the shell. She's all

mine. She's always been ever since I laid eyes on hers.

I sit on the couch now, and my girl rides me like there's no tomorrow, properly appreciating my cock buried inside as much as she can.

I lean back. Fuck me, baby. I'm all yours. Three-hundred and sixty-five-fucking-days a year.

She rests her palm on my chest while her other hand cups the

nape of my neck. She kisses me hard and aggressively, turning me

on so much. I play with her tongue. I grip her hip tighter; my grip

around her throat tightens.

"Fuck, I'm going to come, Daddy."

"Me, too, baby. Come on my cock. I need you." With my words and

the buck of my hips, she moans. My cock is drenched with her

sweet release. She kisses me sloppily from her intense orgasm

that I was responsible for.

Seconds later, I reach my own climax again, stuffing my load deep

inside my happy place, marking my territory. I let go of her lips to

catch my breath.

She covers my cheek with kisses. Oh, baby girl.

"Merry Christmas Daddy. I hope you can accept my

apology for abandoning your bed last night."

"Oh, baby, thank you. I love you. Of course I accept your apology.

You know exactly the kind of apology I would accept, good girl." I

press my lips against hers.

"I love you, too."

"Please make an effort next time to come to my bed."

She holds my face in her soft hands. "Okay. Only because I feel

bad for making you freeze your balls off."

"And because you don't want me to die from a cardiac arrest from thinking that you left me for another man."

She pecks my lips. "Remember our promise to each other? No more cheating on either of us ever again. I promise to come and snuggle up in your

arms regardless of how tired I am because it's where I belong."

I smile. "Good. I'm glad that's settled. Now, what would you like for

breakfast, angel? I'll cook today, as a Christmas present."

"Oh my. You're actually cooking for once." She licks my lips.

"Surprise me."

"Hmm, okay, but speaking of a surprise—"

"Oh, God, what do you have planned?"

"Just a little trip to Cabo for New Year's Eve and the New Year."

Her face lights up with joy like whenever I take my pants off in

front of her. She hugs me tightly. Her hug says it all.

I love her even more. "I can't wait to claim your pretty pussy in Cabo, angel."

"Oh, Jesus."

I laugh. "Mmm, let me head to the kitchen to make breakfast, so

we can eat and fuck again." I can't resist stroking her supple lips

with my thumb. "Oh, and because I'm going to be cooking naked,

don't touch yourself because I promise to take care of you after

breakfast, understand?"

"Yes, Sir."



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