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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 21

(Kaden POV)

Loud music blares through the speakers as the moon is high in the

obsidian sky. Surprisingly, my current drink in hand is not tequila. I know, I shocked myself, too. I take a sip of my champagne,

savoring the flavor on my tongue, and admire the sight of my friends and the surrounding strangers having the time of their lives

just before the new year. The new year is going to start in a few minutes. I'm excited. I'm looking forward to what the new year will

bring. I take another swig of my drink.

The countdown begins.

Ten. Nine. Eight.

I look around for Annabel.

Seven. Six. Five.

God, where is she? She's always disappearing on me.

Four. Three. Two.

I glance to my side.


"Happy New Year," the people shout.

A hand cups my chin, turning my head, and a familiar pair of lips

crash into mine, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I smile against

her lips, quickly realizing they belong to my girl. I slip my tongue

inside her mouth to meet hers. The surrounding people cheer

loudly as the new year is finally here.

She lets go of my lips and looks up at me, her eyes glittering.

"Happy New Year, Kaden."

"Happy New Year, angel."

She leans into my ear. "Do you still have that sombrero?"

Her question throws me off course and reminds me of where I left my sombrero. "Yes, why?" Oh, what does my frisky girl have in mind?

"You'll find out," she says teasingly. "Can we go back to the hotel?"

"Of course, babe." Yes, I need a celebratory fuck more than anything. We had booked a hotel to keep us from home while the kids are having their funfare in a nearby funhouse for kids, with bouncy castle and other fun stuffs available there.

A salacious smile lines her lips, and she interlocks her fingers with mine to guide me back to the hotel.

However, after taking a few steps, a voice is heard. "Hey, man, leaving already?"

I turn around and realize it's my friend. "Yeah, sorry. My wife, she needs me."

"Kaden and I need our sexy time for the new year," Annabel adds in

candidly. Cutie.

My friend laughs. "You two have fun." Oh, my wife and I certainly will.

We arrive back to our hotel. The second I shut the door behind me,

my girl launches herself at me, pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

Her hands are everywhere, feeling my back and ass, as she kisses me hungrily. She kisses the corner of my mouth and attacks my cheek with more than a generous amount of kisses.

I chuckle and squeeze her ass in my hands. "Sit on the bed, baby."

She lets me go and sits on the bed with her chest heaving. She awaits for me, leaning back, her hands supporting her.

I kneel in front of her. Grabbing her ankle, I slip off her high heel.

Then, I remove her other one. Beginning at her foot's instep, I kiss

my way north along her ankle, her leg, and her inner thigh. As I

approach the exceptional spot between her legs, I look up to her.

"Lie down, gorgeous," I command. She follows. I push her dress up, unveiling her glistening center for me. It sparkles in the soft

moonlight. "No panties?. That's my girl," I murmur across her sex organ,

pouring warmth from my breath. I plant a light kiss on her soaking wet heat. Her body shudders. I spit between her legs. I dig into my

first meal of the new year. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in a year.

"Holy fuck." Her hand reaches for my hair to grip onto. She tugs on

the strands.

I smile against her slick folds and bury my tongue deeper inside

her. The taste of her super sweet nectar is savored on my tongue.

Her body convulses; I secure her hips with my hands to still her.

What a perfect way to start the new year: My face buried between

the legs of my favorite girl in the universe.

After stimulating her clitoris through the erotic routine done by my

tongue, she utters a warning. "OOh my!, I'm going to squirt in your mouth."

My cock winces harder and strains through the fabric of my pants.

The sensation is torturous, yet extremely pleasureable. Fuck, I can

combust right in this moment. But, I force myself to hold it in. I have to wait and unload in the proper place, my happy place, her pussy.

I extend my hand and squeeze her breast through her dress. Her

hand clutches the back of mine. I kiss her center and give her face

my attention. "Don't come yet. I want you to come on my cock while it's buried deep inside you, baby."

She bites her lip. Fuck me. I lift my face and my mouth is dripping wet, covered with her juices. How I like it. I cup her throat and lean

in to capture her lips. I kiss her, and her mouth grants my tongue

access. I play with her tongue. She moans in my mouth as I share

with her the wholesome flavor of her desire.

I pull back and a thin trail of saliva connects us, then breaks once I

go back far enough. I stand up in front of her and slip off my black

jacket and my white shirt. I'm shirtless. That's more like it. My girl

licks her lips. The sight resonates with my cock. I can't get enough

of you either, baby.

Speaking of my cock, I have to set it free. Putting my cock and I

out of our misery, I undo my belt and the zipper of my pants. I drag

down my pants, along with my boxer briefs, all the way to my ankles; I step out of the pool of fabric.

I return to hover over her and cup her throat.

"I'm really liking the dad bod—or what you call it, your 'taco and

tequila' bod." She giggles.

"Well, enjoy it while you can, baby, because when we get back

home, I'm working out extra hard and eating extra healthier."

"Oh, God."

I smirk and lick her lips. I lean back, so I sit on my knees. "Look at what you do to me, kitten," I tell her, so she focuses on my cock as my fingertip brushes across my tip. I collect my pre-cum

and stick my finger inside her pussy, drawing it in and out. "Mmm,

now Daddy's pre-cum is inside his favorite girl. Do you like that?"

"Yes, oh fuck."

A wicked smile teases my lips. "Don't come."

"Oh my God," she groans, "Please, let me come."


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