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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 23

I look around. Thank God there's not a lot of people today. I slap

my length against the palm of my hand a few times. Fuck, I don't think I can come without you, baby. I think I'm going to patiently

wait for my girl. She's always worth waiting for. Thank God I didn't choose to wait in line with her at checkout. I would've fucked her

right then and there.

After setting the groceries in the back of the car, the love of my life opens the door and takes her seat. She shuts the door and looks over to me.

"I was close to sending you a pic of my cock."

"Oh, you should've, Kol. It would've made my day and been wallpaper worthy." She smirks. "Anyways, I'm sorry for the wait, sir.

The woman in front of me tried nine different credit cards and

every single of them were maxed out."

"Jesus Christ." I honestly could care less. I have a bigger problem

that needs attention. "But, look at the bigger problem here." I slowly stroke my aching, swollen cock in front of her.

She bites her lip. Her eyes shift to mine. "You weren't able to come?"

"No, I need that special talented mouth of yours, baby girl."

"You didn't even put any effort into busting a load."

A snicker is emitted. "Well, I don't want my precious load to go to waste." You should know me by now, babe.

"Fair enough." She leans over the center console and levels her

mouth with my aching length. Her lips encircle the head, and I let

out a loud moan. I grab ahold of her hair. Her tongue circles the

tip, collecting and cherishing my pre-cum. She sucks on the head

and her eyes lock onto mine. She places a kiss on my twitching

shaft and speaks. "You were thinking about making a baby in the

grocery store, huh?"

"Fuck, yes," I mutter under my breath. I recall my daydream I had

earlier. Fuck, baby. I pet her head. "I love you, angel, but enough talking and more worshipping, please."

She quiets and focuses on the important task at hand. She draws

in my entire length, choking on it. That's my girl. Then, she bobs

her head. Oh, fuck, I'm in heaven. How did I get this lucky? The

most beautiful girl in the world is worshipping my horny cock and

taking care of me so fucking well. I twist her hair strands with my

fingers and buck my hips, slightly fucking her pretty and skilled


After a few delicious minutes of my girl savoring my cock, I warn

her that I'm close. "Make sure to swallow every last drop of

Daddy's cum, baby girl."

She moans as a response and squeezes my balls. And that's all it

takes to send me right to the pinaccle. The interior of the car is

filled with my moans as I detonate in the love of my life's mouth.

She bobs her head, cleaning my cock and swallowing every last

drop of my seed. "Fuck, you're such a good fucking girl." I caress

her head.

She sits up in her seat after she has taken care of my cock and

looks away from me. I cup her jaw and turn her face towards mine.

"You still have some cum. Allow me, beautiful." With my thumb, I gather my seed around her mouth that didn't make it down her throat. I press my digit against her lips. She kisses my thumb and

parts her lips. I slip my thumb inside her mouth; she happily sucks

on it. I watch in awe. "Mmm, baby, I owe you one. Thank you for

helping a man out."

She chortles. I eject my thumb, and she places another kiss to the

pad before it leaves. "You're welcome, sir."

I shove my cock back in my briefs and jeans. I start the car. "Do we need to go anywhere else, babe?" The answer better be "no"

because I need to reward my girl as soon as possible.

"I'm kind of hungry, can we go to—"

"No, we're going home to fuck." Oops, I don't want to be too

explicit for some reason. "I mean, reward you. I'll make you food at

home after."

She laughs. "Rewarding and fucking are synonymous with you. And

I was just kidding about going out to eat."

"Good." We just bought all these groceries, so there's really no point to going out to eat tonight. I direct my attention to the parking lot and navigate us out of it. Thank God we're heading home.

Home sweet home, finally. We're back. The L.A. traffic was horrendous as per usual and pissed me the fuck off. What else is

new? I'm glad to be finally back home. Now, all I need is to make

sweet love to my girl, and I'll be a happy man.

I set the groceries on the kitchen counter while my girl does the same. She goes and opens up a bag. I kneel down behind her and squeeze her ass.

She gasps and turns around. She looks down and her gorgeous

eyes meet mine. "Oh, hello, sir. What are you doing?"

I smile and place a kiss on her center, between her legs.

"Rewarding my favorite girl in the whole universe."

She smirks and runs her hand through my hair. Fuck me. "We have

to unpack the groceries first before sexy time you silly boy."

"Unpacking groceries over my tongue buried deep inside your pussy, tasting every drop of your juices?"

"It's better to unpack sooner rather than later, Kol." She turns around and begins unpacking the food.

I kiss her cheek. "Fine." I give in and help her unpack the groceries.

She takes care of the last item. With the package of strawberries in

her hand, she walks over to the fridge and finds a spot for them.

She shuts the fridge door. I hug her from behind and push my hard-on against her rear. I attack her cheek with several kisses. "I love you, baby, can I reward you now?"

"Yes, I'm all yours now to reward."

"I like the sound of that." I dig inside her pants to stroke her bare and wet center. I move my lips to her ear. I slide two of my fingers past her entrance.

"Oh, fuck," she murmurs.

I smile. "I can never thank you enough for taking care of me in the car earlier." I kiss her ear and curve my fingers inside her pussy. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, really." I

gently bite the shell of her ear.

"Anything for the best," she whispers, and her hand sits on top of

mine and squeezes it as I continue to explore her opening with my fingers.

"How did I get so fucking lucky, baby?"

"Oh, Jesus. Don't question, just appreciate."

I kiss her ear. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Mmm, Kol, please."

I pull down her pants and tell her to step out of them once the fabric forms a puddle around her ankles. I remove her sweatshirt.

Oh, thank God she's wearing no bra, too. She's completely exposed to me. And she's all mine to appreciate. The sunlight


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