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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 24

(Kol POV)

I step into my beloved home and close the door behind me. A sigh of relief escapes past my lips. I bend down to remove my

shoes, and I glance to my side. I behold something unexpected: A trail of red rose petals line the linoleum floor. I remove my other

shoe and set it aside; my socks still remain. I follow the trail, which

takes me upstairs.

The rose petals direct me to the bedroom door that's left ajarred.

Cautiously, I open the door wider for me to peek my head into the room. The trail continues up onto the bed.

I step inside the room and follow the trail. The rose petal trail halts at Kat's special area between her legs. Steadily, I scan her, beginning at her toes and ending at her face, drinking in the pleasing sight. She's almost naked as the final rose petal sits on her uncovered sex organ. Her legs are spread apart for me. Damn, baby.

"Hi, Daddy, got a big dick?" she murmurs.

Oh, boy. I grin. "Hello to you, too, darling." I slowly run my hand along her inner thigh, appreciating the softness of her skin. She bites her lip. Fuck. My cock strains against my pants.

"I missed you, Daddy. I missed your big cock."

Oh, baby. "I missed you more, angel. It was a very long day at work today."

"Mmmm, can you show me how much you missed me, Daddy?" she saucily requests.

"Daddy would love to, sweetheart." I pick up the rose petal sitting on her center and drop it beside the bed. I lower my face to settle

between her legs, and just before my mouth comes into contact with her sex organ, she softly moans my name.

"Baby girl," I responded and gaze into her eyes. Suddenly, she begins to fade away...No, baby, don't go...Daddy hasn't tasted you yet...

I feel a familiar touch against my cheek. It's my wife's touch, mmmm. "Baby," I groan and stir in my slumber while lying on my side. Her thumb brushes my cheek. I reach for her hand and place mine on top of hers. I move our hands to her chest and gently

squeeze her tit. "Five more minutes, please, gorgeous." I want to

bury my face between your legs in my dream, first. I keep my eyes closed and attempt to recall my dream.

She chuckles. I feel her lips on mine for a quick second.

Instantly, a rush of energy and excitement surges through my system. I can barely open my eyes, only getting a blurry version of her. I cup her throat.

I grind my pulsating erection against her exposed and already slick folds of her warm and delicious center.

She wraps her legs around me, pulling me in closer.

Her cheek is given more kisses. I release her throat and kiss her neck. I

kiss down her cleavage and tummy. She tugs on my hair and

pushes my head down so my face is buried between her legs—

where my head always belongs. I kiss her sex organ, and she arches her back.

"Can we go see a movie tonight?" she asks, interrupting our precious sexy time.

I look up at her while my tongue collects her juices.

"Jesus Christ, answer me, please." She pulls on my hair.

I remove my mouth from her lovely center to answer her properly.

With my thumb, I rub her clitoris in circular motions. "I'd love to take you to the movies, sweetheart, but unfortunately, they don't let

snacks in."

She smirks. "Come here you cheesy fucker." She drags me up, and

her lips meet mine. Her tongue parts my lips and enters my mouth.

She plays with my tongue; I moan.

She lets go of my lips. "I thought I was a full-course meal, not a


"You're all of the above." I peck her lips with mine.

"Can we please go to the movies tonight Deadpool 2 just came out,

and I really want to go see it."

"We can go to the movies tonight, only if you promise me something."

"What is it this time?"

"I want you to wear a silky dress, but nothing underneath, okay?

You know Daddy loves that shit."

"You want me to do that so you can conveniently slip your hand

under my dress during the movie, and try to make me squirt for you, right there in the theater?" Damn, she got me. I'm not surprised though.

An ear-to-ear grin lines my lips. I nod at her. Then, I lean in to kiss

her neck.

She pets my head. "I promise to wear a silky dress with nothing underneath."

I sit up. "That's my girl. Now, are you ready for a nice and slow,

sexy morning fuck? You can't start the day properly without daddy's cum deep inside your pussy."

She nods. Thank God we were on family planning already, we had long stopped having more kids.


The day has turned into night as the sun is no longer in sight, and I'm already dressed for date night with my girl. I keep it simple,

spoting a white shirt, black skinny jeans, a black jacket, and white sneakers.

"God, what is taking my goddess so long?" I mutter to myself.

Tired of waiting on the couch, I decide to check on her, so I head upstairs. I notice she left the door wide open. I welcome myself into the room.

She's bent over, looking at her reflection in the mirror and applying

the finishing touches to her look for tonight. She wears a red, short

silky slip-on dress and a denim jacket. She pairs her look with

lace-up wedges. Yummy. I quickly recognize that she's wearing my

own denim jacket. God, she always looks extra cute in any piece of my clothing. I lick my lips and saunter up behind her. I lift up her dress and take a quick peek. Good girl, no panties.

She gasps and straightens her body. "Checking up on the goods down there, sir?" she questions and glides her lipstick along her

lower lip; then she rubs her lips together to make sure the color is evenly applied.

I wrap my arms around her. "Yes, of course, baby," I answer and rest my chin on her shoulder. I breathe in her exquisite scent. She

smells like strawberries and cream tonight. Fuck me. I can't wait to cream inside her tonight. I gaze at the reflection of the two of us in the mirror. Unsurprisingly, a naughty thought of me fucking her

from behind right now plays in my head. I place a single kiss to her

neck and moan quietly.

"Was everything in order down there?" Her question snaps me out

of my sexy thoughts. She sets her lipstick down.

I smirk and lean in close to her ear. "So far so good, but Daddy will give you a more thorough inspection when we get back home."

I look down at her chest. It appears she's not wearing a bra either.

That's my girl. I squeeze her tit in my palm. The sensation is exquisite.

"God bless America," she says lowly in response.

I can't help but chuckle. "Mmmm, God bless you, you look good

enough to eat, baby." I kiss her ear. "We should save the movies

for another night."

"No, I really want to see this movie tonight, Kol. We'll have our

sexy time after, I promise."

"I know, but I don't think I can wait any longer when you're this god

damned gorgeous." I apply several kisses to her cheek.

"We're gonna be late, Kol." She breaks free from my arms and

turns around to face me. "Let's go, please."

I kneel in front of her and place a kiss between her legs on the

fabric of her dress. I look up at her. "You look so good wearing my

jacket." I sneak my hand up behind her leg and squeeze her ass.

She pets my head. "Well, I'm glad that you don't mind me wearing

your clothes."

"What's mine is yours, baby." I stroke her sex. "Always."

"I love you to death, Kol, but please, save it for after the movies," she pleads.

I stand up and haul her into my arms, so I can kiss her passionately. I pull away and catch my breath. "Okay, we can officially leave the house now, baby."

"I hate you," she mutters as we stand in line, waiting to purchase

our tickets.

I look over to her. "What? Where did Daddy go wrong this time?"

She doesn't look at me. "You neglected to tell me it was going to

be chilly tonight. I'm freezing my ass off."

"Aw, baby, Daddy will keep you warm. Don't worry."

She still doesn't look at me.

"Look, I'll buy us popcorn while you wait and get us tickets, okay?

I'll wait for you at concessions."

"Okay." She sighs.

I kiss her cheek, and I head over to concessions. The line is a mile

long. Fuck.

Finally, my girl and I are in the theater. We sit in the top row, and

thankfully, there's barely no one in the theater. I can have a little

fun with my girl.

The commercials and previews to upcoming movies play on the

big screen. Now, it's just more waiting until the right moment to

give my girl the best orgasm she's ever experienced. But the words

she said earlier replay in my head, "I hate you." And the fact she


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