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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 41

(Katerina's POV)

"Yes, Ma'am, please, please let me have you."

I smiled and walked over to the edge of the bed. "Maybe I should ride your face a few more times first."

He shook his head from side to side; he was so tired he closed his eyes and couldn't form words to speak.

"I'll take pity on you just this once."

"Thank you, Ma'am, thank you," he said.

I got on the bed and then swung my leg over his stomach, straddling him. I slid back on his stomach until the head of his cock was resting at my aperture. I leaned in and kissed him, tasting myself on his mouth, and slid back until his cock was all the way inside my soupy-wet pussy.

I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself and began grinding my pussy back into him. Even though I was squeezing the muscles of my vagina as hard as I could, I was still so incredibly wet I could barely feel him inside me. Again, because he was restrained, I was in complete control of the angle of his cock inside me, the pace, everything.

I was incredibly tired from our very intense session. Yet the feeling of power and control was undeniable and almost beyond explanation. Unlike our previous sexual experiences, he wasn't making love to me. I was using my pussy to milk his cock, to extract what I wanted from him, and only after he had pleasured me with his mouth countless times. I couldn't help but revel in the exhilarating feeling of strength and power that was coursing through my body.

Without realizing it, I was pushing back hard on his cock, which was sending sharp pain through my very-well-used vagina. However, it was also causing him to grunt and cry out.

"Oh, God, Ma'am, I'm going to ..."

I felt his strong blasts of semen squirt into my vagina over and over, and I squeezed my pussy hard on his cock before collapsing on top of him. His orgasm seemed to go on forever, and I couldn't remember a time when he came so much.

In all honesty, I just wanted to untie him and get some sleep. However, there was one last thing I had to do, and one last precedent that was going to be set before I could pronounce our first session complete.

I pushed myself away from his body and our eyes met. "Open your mouth; there's one last duty you're going to perform."

His eyes went wide in shock at the realization of what I was about to make him do. "Please, Ma'am, please," he stammered.

I roughly took his mouth between my fingers and squeezed hard, which silenced him.

"From now on, this is going to be the price of your orgasms. If it comes out of your cock, it's going back in your mouth, do you understand me?"

He took a deep breath, as if resigning himself to what he knew was going to happen next.

"Yes, Ma'am, I understand."

I scooted my body forward until my pussy was directly above his face. Then I lowered myself down one last time and felt his tongue squirm inside of me.

In that moment, the feeling of power and control that I had over him was overwhelming and almost inebriating. While cleaning me, his tongue was making contact with my clit; my pussy began to spasm and contract and I had one last powerful orgasm as he licked and then sucked his semen from my vagina.

I collapsed on top of him and began to catch my breath. While recovering, I reveled in the fact that he had cleaned me with an incredible amount of zeal and bravado. I had been with quite a few men, but none of them had ever licked me after they'd come inside me.

Kol and I had never done anything like this before, and I had to admit I wasn't even sure that he'd be willing to taste his own semen. However, I was more than ready to administer a punishment had he refused. Incredulously, I got the feeling that it would have been a letdown for him had I not made him do it.

Once he was finished, I looked down and inspected my pussy and then his face. He had actually been quite thorough and there were only minute traces of his semen left on the lips of my vagina. I also checked his mouth and it was quite evident that he had swallowed the cum that he had collected from inside me. Considering the very large load he'd put inside me, I felt he'd done an excellent job.

Satisfied, I reached over and unclasped one of his wrists from the restraints, and then the other. I then slid off of him and rested by his side, and he pulled me tight against him and we embraced lovingly. We shared several minutes of comfortable silence while we held each other and caught our breath. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Thank you so much for this evening, Ma'am."

I smiled. I almost felt silly now, hearing him call me that. Yet I liked the fact that he wasn't willing to break character, even though we had completed the scene.

"You don't have to call me that all the time, Kol, only when we are in a scene or if I give you a direct order."

He smiled. "Okay."

We enjoyed a few more moments of comfortable silence. I was having a difficult time keeping my heavy eyes open due to the sheer exhaustion of the evening, but then I remembered an article that I'd read while doing my research about debriefing once the session was over.


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