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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 42

(Annabel POV)

Kaden removed his tight leather pants and then he turned around and slid forward until his ass was at the edge of the couch cushion in front of me. "Get to it," he commanded.

I didn't hesitate. I immediately leaned forward and licked around his asshole. I probed lightly with my tongue, then stiffened it and pushed it a little ways inside him.

"Is that the best you can do?"

I sealed my lips around his opening and thrust my tongue as far into his asshole as I could, then wiggled it and pushed it deep inside him with long, powerful thrusts.

For the first time that evening, he let out a low, deep groan. "Finally, I found something you're good at."

I kept my tongue long and flat and furiously pushed it deep into his ass. I ensured I kept my mouth nice and wet, and after a few seconds, a little stream of my saliva was running down the crack of his ass and collecting on his balls. He began slowly stroking his cock and he allowed me to rim him for several minutes.

"Okay, that's enough," he said gruffly.

I fell back onto my ass and desperately tried to catch my breath, and for the first time I realized sweat was glistening off my body.

He looked down at me. "Better," he said grudgingly. He helped me up onto my feet. "Turn around." I did, and he untied my wrists. "Go stand under the bar."

I went as he'd ordered while trying to rub some feeling back into my wrists. The ropes that were wet with my secretions continued to stimulate me. I swung my hips provocatively as I slowly walked in my high heels towards the bar in the center of the room.

"You know how to use that sexy body of yours to turn me on," he said huskily from behind me.

When I got there I turned to face him and smiled saucily.

Slowly, he walked over and stood in front of me. The cuffs he had used were still attached to the bar; he gestured for me to raise my arms and he fastened them around my wrists. Then he went to the wall of toys and returned, carrying a leather slapper.

I felt the heavy leather make contact with my ass. He didn't waste any time, and unlike two weeks ago the intensity rapidly increased. I started involuntarily dancing around on the tips of my toes, subconsciously trying to dodge the strikes, but he timed my body's movements perfectly, never missing a beat as whack after whack rained down on the globes of my ass. I couldn't help but moan and cry out as the pain intensified. But then suddenly my endorphins kicked in and I basked in a dreamy glow of sexual pleasure. I stood still and pushed my hips towards him, meeting the sharp, stinging whacks.

He immediately recognized what had happened, and he began stroking my pussy and rubbing the tips of his fingers over my engorged clit. I moaned and pushed back harder in a vain attempt to push his fingers inside me. In an instant, my body began to climb and I was suddenly very close to reaching an orgasm. As soon as he realized I was on the edge, he quickly withdrew his fingers, and I let out a deep, frustrated groan.

"Do you want something, little girl?" he said wickedly.

"Please, I want to come," I whimpered.

"Do you think you've earned that pleasure?" he said sternly.

My body was on fire and I couldn't think, but I willed my hazy mind to focus. "I need it ... please ... please let me come for you," I moaned.


He reached around and roughly pawed at my bound breasts, and I let out another deep moan. The tight ropes had made them so sensitive, the additional stimulation pushed me even closer to release. A deep shiver coursed through my body that reverberated between my legs to my soaked pussy. When he touched my erect nipples, I thought I might lose consciousness from the exquisite sensations.

"Please ... God ... please ..." I begged over and over. Being denied and being forced to beg for release was humiliating, but at the same time it was intensely arousing; I loved being under the control of this dominant man. He continued to tweak my hyper-sensitive nipples and then it happened. Without warning, I shrieked and exploded into an incredible orgasm. I had never experienced anything like that. I'd always needed a finger, tongue, or cock inside me or on my clit to climax and I'd had no idea it was even possible to reach orgasm from having my nipples played with. But it has actually happened.

"How ... how ... did you do that?" I said while still trying to catch my breath.

"Did you like it?" he asked slyly.

"Of course I liked it, but I had no idea it was even possible."

"Well, now you know it's possible, at least for you. Not every submissive is capable of it, but I'd thought maybe you could and I was right."

"It ... it ... was just amazing," I said breathlessly.

He shot me a little smile.

- - - - -

He slowly unwound the ropes from my body, teasing my pussy from time to time to keep me in a state of arousal. When he had completely removed the ropes, he released my arms from the bar and led me to the couch. He handed me a bottle of water, which I quickly drank in a couple of swigs. Once again, he left to give me some privacy.

After a few minutes, he entered the room, making me realize I probably didn't have as much privacy as I thought.


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