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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 43

(Annabel POV)

"Do you want to be fucked or whipped?" he demanded.

I was panting and I had to will my lust-addled brain to focus. "I want both," I whimpered. "I want you to whip me, hard, and then fuck me harder."

I was so into everything he was doing and I wanted more of it, but I also wanted the intimacy of a sexual connection. In that decadent moment, I needed both from him. He'd been playing with my mind all evening, and I wanted to give it back to him, just a little.

"You've been going easy on me, I want you to make me feel it."

He grinned. "Spoken like a true pain slut." A shifty little smile broke over his lips. "If you think I've been going easy on you, we'll see how much you can take."

I smiled back at him in the mirror. "Do your worst daddy."

He backed away and started the whip moving again, this time alternating between my upper back and my ass. The whip strikes were so consistent in their timing that the effect was almost hypnotic. My breathing was becoming more rapid and shallow as the pain washed over me. Sweat was dripping off my body, and I'd always envisioned that when I experienced something like this I'd tense up, but I was becoming more relaxed even as the sensations of stinging and warmth steadily increased in intensity.

The endorphins kicked in again and a sense of calm washed over me as he lashed my body. When the whipping stopped it felt as if I was seconds from release, and he approached me again. I looked into the mirror and saw my disheveled state. My long brown hair was a tangled mess and sweat was pouring off my body. I was struggling to breathe and I was sure that if he so much touched me, I would go over the edge.

"You're ready to come." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, finish me off, please," I begged.

"Soon, kitten, very soon. But I want you to have the full experience."

I had no idea what he intended to do until he walked in front of me.

"I want you to see the whip coming at you," he said huskily.

Oh, God, I thought frantically. He's going to whip my most tender and sensitive parts.

I wasn't really afraid; I knew he wouldn't harm me. But the thought still sent shivers up and down my spine. I focused on him as he held up the whip and faced me from a few feet away.

"Are you ready?" he said, drawing out the moment and building the tension.

"Yes, daddy."

He swung the whip slowly, finding the range, and then the little ragged nylon fringe grazed my stomach, leaving a trail of burning sensation in its wake. But my endorphins were running high and the pain turned instantly to pleasure that pushed me even closer to the edge.

"More ... give me more ... I want more ..." I begged.

He didn't answer in words; he simply raised the angle of the whip and a searing fire ran across the undersides of my breasts.

My knees instantly went weak. "Oh, God ... yes ... just like that," I moaned.

The whip came again, a constant back-and-forth flow, and I watched it with a combination of wonder and excitement. Then the fringe slid across in a direct hit on my stiff and sensitive nipples and I came, a small one, a precursor to what I knew would be a huge release. My body shook and I cried out in ecstasy as the metronomic swinging of the whip landed across each of my breasts.

He came forward and hugged me as I shivered in the aftermath of that mini-orgasm. "Are you okay, baby?" he asked quietly.

"More ... I want more ... please," I whimpered breathlessly. It felt like an out-of-body experience, like someone else had uttered those words.

Again he didn't answer in words. He stepped back, finding the correct range, and the onslaught began again. The whip found my breasts and nipples, which nearly took my breath away. Just as the pain level was reaching a point that I could barely tolerate, he slowly moved lower to my belly. Then he continued south but veered so the line of fire was directed at my thighs about halfway between my knees and my groin, and I let out a sound that was between a groan and a sigh of pleasure.

His accuracy with the whip was astonishing; he put a double line across my thighs, an inch higher each time the whip made a two-way pass, first one direction and then back the other. As it rose higher and higher, I knew where it would end and I shivered in anticipation. When it slid across my shaved pussy I began babbling incoherently, and then the little nylon lashes hit directly on my clit and I exploded.

I let out an ear-piercing scream and my body released. My orgasm was all-powerful and all-consuming. All of the sexual tension and endorphins that had been building up in me for the past hour were released in a nanosecond. It was as if I'd lost all control; my body violently convulsed and gushes of fluid squirted out of my vagina. I'm not sure how long I lost consciousness, but when I began to come back around, my body was completely limp and only the cuffs around my wrists kept me from collapsing to the floor. Slowly, I was able to find my footing and get my legs back underneath me.

I was still a little dazed from everything I'd just experienced and he gave me a full minute to get my wits back about me. He approached me and our eyes sensually met.

"You told me earlier that you needed to be fucked," he growled huskily.

"I want to feel that big cock inside me, daddy." I said between little sips of breath.

He leaned in and we shared a long, lingering kiss. I opened my mouth and our tongues delicately danced together. When he broke the kiss, he moved behind me. His hands reached around my body and he roughly pawed my breasts, which were very sensitive from the lashes of the whip.

"They're perfect, kitten, but you know that, don't you?" he whispered lustfully in my ear.

"I ... I ..." I had no idea how to answer him, so I didn't. He let my nipples slip between the tips of his fingers, then he roughly pulled and pinched them, and I let out a low, deep groan.

"You'd better answer me," he growled.

"Yes daddy," I said breathlessly.

"Please, daddy, I need to feel you inside me," I begged.

He moved behind me and I could feel him rub the head of his cock up and down my wet slit. I pulled against the restraints as he easily pushed himself into my soaked vagina. In one hard thrust he opened and filled me, causing me to gasp and cry out. He immediately began to push himself in and out of me from behind in long, solid thrusts, and each time his thighs made contact with my ass, I winced in pain.


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