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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 53

I giggled. "Which that are we talking about?" I knew exactly what he was referring to, but I loved messing with him.

He laughed. "C'mon,... you know ... the ... ummm ... second thing you did."

"I haven't baby. I've only watched it in adult movies and I have always thought about trying it out with my partner someday.

He pulled me closer, I rested my head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. His muscled chest, his tight, toned arms and legs caused an intoxicating feeling, being so close to his body.

"I really appreciated what you did, it meant a lot to me."

I giggled. "Which time?"

He laughed. "Both times ... but ..."

Our eyes sensually met. "You can tell me, honey, it's okay."

"When you ... you know ... licked me ... I'd love to do that to you."

His cock was erect and pressing against my thigh, and I knew just the thought of what he wanted was turning him on. I leaned in and gave him a hot little kiss. "I'd love for you to do that, baby, how do you want me?"

"Will you get on your hands and knees for me?"

"Yes, of course."

He wasn't ordering, he was asking, and he was reading my mood perfectly, just like I'd taught him. It had been incredibly erotic seeing his strong, forceful side and having him take control of me and use me however he wanted. But once we got out of the shower I needed him to be gentle, sensual, and romantic. I'd taught him well, but it still surprised me that, somehow, he just knew.

I slid away from him, grabbed a couple of pillows, and moved to the center of the bed. I rested my head on the pillows and raised my bottom into the air, presenting myself to him. He got up out of the bed and then moved in behind me. Gently, he ran his tongue over the cheeks of my ass. I closed my eyes and savored the sensation.

"That feels so good, honey," I cooed.

He used his large, strong hands and gently rubbed my ass and the inside of my thighs. Immediately, my pussy began to moisten. His hands felt so soft, so exquisite, so tender on my delicate flesh, the sensations were almost overwhelming.

"Pull your cheeks apart for me," he said hungrily.

I reached back and slowly pulled them apart, exposing my most private region. A delicate tingle coursed through my body when he put his tongue deep inside my vagina, and then he slowly moved it up and over my asshole.

I shivered in delight. "God, that feels amazing, baby."

I felt his saliva wet my little puckered hole and some of it even dripped down my perineum and onto my pussy. I let out another little moan as he pushed the tip of his tongue inside me.

"Yes, honey, just like that, work it in deeper," I moaned.

Slowly, he pushed the tip further inside me. My secretions were oozing out of my pussy and they began to run down my inner thighs as he continued to work his tongue deeper. I reached between my legs and began to gently rub my clit. He wrapped his strong arms around my thighs while pushing his tongue into my ass as far as it would go.

"Just like that, just a little more."

He slid his tongue into me one last time and my orgasm washed over me. When I was coming back around, he was giving little butterfly kisses to the round globes of my ass and I collapsed on the bed.

Once I'd recovered, I flipped over, looked up, and our eyes met. "Was that okay?" he asked.


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