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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 54

(Kol POV)

I went in to take a shower after working in the yard. "Hey babe, I'm going to take a shower. How do I take this thing off?"

"You can wear it in the shower. Water won't hurt it."

I stepped into the shower and started washing my hair. I ran some shampoo around my cock ring. It had become like a permanent fixture. I started getting excited. There was something about the warm water, the soap and that constant tug. Katerina walked into the bathroom and glanced at me in the shower.

I felt embarrassed. I didn't want her thinking I was playing with myself in the shower. "You know...this thing gets caught up in my pubic hair and pulls," I said lamely. I don't know if she bought it, but I felt better.

I stepped from the shower and toweled off. Once again I fondled myself making sure the ring was dry. She turned around with a razor in her hand. "Here, let me take care of that for you." She dropped to her knees and began removing my pubic hair. I stood there and watched.

There she was inches from my cock shaving off all the hair. Naturally I got excited. My cock grew to full erection in seconds.

"That makes this much easier," she smiled as she held it to one side shaving. Once the last hair was gone she slipped my cock into her mouth and proceeded to give me a world class blowjob. I hadn't realized just how horny I was until I came. I came so hard it actually hurt.

She rode my climax until every last drop was drained. Then she rose to her feet and gave me a kiss. Her tongue pushed into my mouth followed by an ocean of warm, thick cum. Our tongues danced and played. Although I had just climaxed, I swore I could feel my cock growing thicker. She tilted my head back slightly as she continued to kiss me, letting gravity do its job. For the second time I swallowed my seed finding it strangely erotic.

Once it was gone, she pulled away from our kiss. She looked me in the eyes with that look. I knew she was terribly excited. She ran her finger along my bottom, lip gathering a bit of stray semen and pushed it into my mouth.

It was so erotic.

"Now that was very nice..." she said removing her finger. She kissed the tip of it and pressed it against my lips so I would know exactly what she was referring to. There was that moment. It was just an instant shared between us.

Her eyes trailed down my body to my completely hairless crotch. I don't know how, but my poor cock was once again hard as hell, standing proud. The ring took all the slack out of my scrotum pressing my balls together tightly about an inch away from my body. It was like it was presenting my cock and balls as a statuette, a curving, a sculpture.

"Just when I thought it couldn't get any cuter..."

I turned to face the mirror. I was as smooth as a new born baby. And there was that ring, front and center. I wouldn't be going to the gym anytime soon, that was for sure.

We made love twice that night. It was incredible.

Now I didn't mind wearing the cock ring around the house. That thing was single handedly responsible for turning my sex life into legend. But I was not at all sure about wearing it to work. When I suggested that it might not be appropriate, Kol told me that was nonsense.

I grew hard driving home from the office. I had been so aroused all day I couldn't wait to get home. I walked in the door to find Katerina waiting for me. It was like she read my mind.

Her hand went straight to the bulge in my slacks. She smiled, I moaned. She wasted no time freeing my hard throbbing cock and slipping her lips over the end.

It was amazing. The sensations were out of this world. I watched as she bathed my cock with her tongue. It was so damn sensuous. The cock ring made my balls hyper sensitive. I moaned uncontrollably as she licked and teased them.

God...everything was about my cock. It had been that way all day long. No matter what I did, where I went, it was about my cock. Life was now a constant state of arousal. And with that thought, I unleashed a tidal wave of warm, thick cum straight into her mouth.

And she used my cock like a straw, sucking every last drop from my balls. It was glorious.

She rose to her feet. I knew exactly what she had in mind. Her lips were covered with semen.

I gave her a sexy smile as I leaned in and ran my tongue along her lips. I pulled back, my lips now covered, so she could see.

Her eyes closed as she savored the moment.

I leaned in, pushing my lips against hers, followed by my tongue insistently finding its way inside her mouth. I could feel the surge of heat wash over me as I once again played in the thick, warm seed. I was really starting to identify with the erotic, sensual nature of this little game.


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