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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Five Years Later

“They’re moving up the launch date. Can you finish before the beta testing goes into effect?”

I stare at Alex across the conference room. He’s a good boss. Honest. Hard-working. He calls it like it is, and has never coddled me.

I do the math in my head. If I pull all-nighters and work through the weekend… “Yes.”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“Have I let you down yet?”

One corner of his mouth tilts up. I’ve worked for Quest Studios for four years–that’s a very long time in tech.

I’d had very little experience and only the knowledge I brought from my high school coding team. And there was the little fact that I was pregnant. Only little wasn’t really accurate, because I’d started showing pretty quickly.

Twins will do that to you. Apparently.

At first I’d been so upset at the thought of having babies. I was alone, with no idea how I’d be able to support them or care for them. I thought about ending the pregnancy.

Now, I can’t even begin to imagine my life without them.

My children are everything to me.

Jacelyn and Aaron.

They inherited Cameron’s looks and my temper. Alphas, both of them, if their wolf spirits are to be believed.

“Shit,” Alex mumbles.


“They’re here.”

I glance around the conference room. We’re on the 16th floor and I can see into the reception area and straight through the open-room office setup. The desks are mostly empty at this time. Employees work remotely and the ones who don’t are all about the California lifestyle. They cut out by five every day.

The doors at the far end of the hallway open and I watch as several very large men walk in.

Even before they’re more than ten feet into the building, I know they’re wolves.

“Shit,” I say.

Alex looks at me sharply. “What are you cursing about? You haven’t even met them yet.”

I fumble for a quick excuse. “These are the new clients, right?”

He nods. “Good guess.”

The men don’t stop and their Alpha’s eyes narrow as he approaches the boardroom. They don’t knock or wait for an introduction, but walk right in.

Alex jumps to his feet. “Mr. MacPhearson, we weren’t expecting you in person.”

He ignores Alex and eyes me. “Seems you weren’t expecting us either.”

Alex looks between us.


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