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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 48

Chapter Forty-Eight


“Covens can sense magic,” Morgan tells me.

We’re about thirty miles from the airport and I’ve been cleared for landing.

Morgan’s hands twirl and move. A bright blue tendril of …something…manifests in her hands. “I’m going to mask us. It won’t do much up close, but for avoiding the initial recognition, it’ll give us a chance.”

She extends her hands, first toward my men, then herself, lastly in a delicate wave she lets her fingers point toward me.

I don’t feel anything.

Don’t see anything different in the reflection of my appearance.

“Try not to look so disappointed, wolf.”

I grin.

“That’s it?” whatever spell she cast, it was decidedly anti-climactic.



She blows me a kiss.

I hate to admit it, but I know we can’t pull this off without her. We’re prepared to try to do it, but on a bone deep level I think we all recognize we’re out of our element.

Touching down, I taxi toward the designated hangar. Unlike a commercial flight, we don’t have all the steps or security or clearances to obtain. Ground traffic patrol relays instructions. A ground crew points and directs.

I guide us into the hangar we reserved. We leave the jet. Michail locks it up.

Jacob has a car waiting for us when we exit the small airport building.

You sure about this, Boss.

It’s Declan.

Michail just looks bored. But that’s the way he gets when he’s working hard to keep himself calm. This wolf has a light trigger for his aggressions and when he knows a fight is coming, he often erupts before it.

Declan is pensive. He glances at Jacob. Out loud he says, “What are the schematics, Jake?”

Morgan inclines her head toward the driver and arches a brow.

We revert to our internal conversation.

There are several service entrances, Jacob says. We could likely enter one of the shipping bays. Either like we’re dropping supplies or picking up a shipment. From the security logs, deliveries happen daily. And twice weekly, we see pickups. Depending on our ingress.

It’s the egress that’s going to be a bitch, Declan says.

Morgan puts her hand on my thigh. “I know the way out.”

Is she hearing us? My brows draw together.

“Make your dinner reservations for tonight,” she says to all of us. “The whole family convenes for mass tomorrow.”

Oh. So the coven will converge tomorrow. “At the restaurant?” I ask.

She nods. I think I’m in love. I’m pretty sure she just dropped lingo from John Wick into this conversation.

The restaurant is the lab. The dinner reservation confirms we attack tonight.

I’d hoped for more time for reconnaissance. But it seems like we have a handful of hours to prep and initiate our plan.

“Okay.” I kiss her forehead. “We’ll go. Tonight.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The map that was in my dad’s room, it just gives a layout of the city. There aren’t any indicators of where to go or when. It’s pretty stupid of me to even think that my mom would be here. Although… Seer.

“Don’t overthink it,” Corinne says. “We’re here. Let’s do whatever you came for and head back out.”

That’s just it. I don’t really know what I came here for. To confront my mom, I guess. But then what?

I hear it then, a lulling melody. It’s so early, there is still mist clinging to the side streets where the sunlight hasn’t reached yet.

I turn the wheel without thinking.

Corinne slaps my arm. “What the hell did I just tell you!?”

I pull the car to the side of the road and block a driveway.

The other women are stirring now.

We need a plan. But when I glance back at Corinne, she’s pale and almost shaking. It’s clear she’s scared of something and from the way she talked about this city, she doesn’t want to be here.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

She doesn’t answer.

I wave my hand in front of her face.

I smell it then, again.


“She’s close,” Corinne whispers.

She…not it.

Chills run up and down my arms.

“Why don’t I drive for a while?” Corinne unbuckles her seat belt. She’s out of the car and coming around my side before I can respond.


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