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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 52

Chapter Fifty-Two


We’re in Mia’s house.

As Morgan explained, she’d warded the place herself and its protections against those who would wish harm would extend to her and us too, as we are within its walls.

Every space, she explained, has a fingerprint.

I’m not sure I really understand what that means, but if we can burn the daylight here and not risk exposure before approaching her coven’s corporation, I am all for it.

This mission will be hard enough without worrying about civilian engagement or dealing with enemies prior to even breaching the laboratories.

The schematics will get us past the loading bays and we can steal a rig from one of the many shipping depots in the area. Morgan can spell any security or guards as we roll up so we don’t trip the alarm.

Once we’re in the loading bay, we’ll have access into the main building.

She knows the layout from there for where to go, and Jacob will gain access to their computers in the shipping bay so he can access their mainframe and obliterate our trail.

If all goes to plan, we’ll be in and out before anyone even realizes.

The guys have raided the fridge and Declan’s cooking up a storm.

They have a basketball game on the tv.

I’m in Mia’s room.

It’s a nice space. Simple, but with soft pillows and a pale lavender accent wall. It fits her. Unpretentious but still pretty.

“You hiding out, wolf?” Morgan asks.

She comes in.

I’m lying on the bed with my arms crossed behind my head.

I don’t expect her to lie out beside me, her head on her elbow, so when she does, it takes my mind in a totally different direction.

This is Morgan.

We are alone.

In a bed.

Thane rumbles.

He likes where this is heading.

“How do you feel about this plan?” I ask her.

She gives a small shrug. “We’ll have the element of surprise. And it’s not been long, so they won’t be expecting me to come back given how I was excommunicated when I left.”

“I don’t want you tangled up in this. You can tell us where to go. Jacob can handle the security.”

“No. It’s too risky. You need me for this.”

I don’t like the danger for her. “You should stay here. We can figure it out. Or better yet, get your ass back to Montana. They can’t touch you on our lands.”

She reaches out and traces my bicep through my shirt. “My own big bad wolf to protect me.”

“I will, Morgan, to my last breath.” Her eyes go wide with surprise, like she can’t believe what she’s hearing, and I keep talking, “But you’re a powerful woman. You don’t need any man to protect you.”

She nods. “I appreciate that. And …what you said.”

She’s blushing.

“Come here.”

She leans right into me, her arms looping around my neck, her breasts pushing against my chest.

I draw back. “Lose the glamour. I want it to be just you and me.”

She looks uncertain for a moment and then her face changes. Those subtle, sweeter features coming through. She can be anyone at will, but there is nothing sexier than the female in front of me. With her too stubborn chin, and that dusting of freckles. And eyes that aren’t as bright as they were before, but that are somehow more attractive for as clear and soft as they appear to be.

I growl as I close my eyes and claim her mouth.

She matches my passion.

Hands dragging over my chest, pulling at my back. My shirt is tugged free of my waistband and then she’s drawing it over my head. The moment my chest is bare, her mouth is tasting and taking, burning a path from my neck down to my abs and back up again.

She won’t rush this. No. This woman is bewitching me, and she doesn’t need a spell or chant or anything more than that lush fucking mouth of hers and her irresistible body.

When she finally unbuckles my jeans, I hiss out a breath.

“Where you taking this, Morgan?”

Her smile is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Then she’s getting rid of my pants and freeing my cock.

She strokes and grips, finding the pressure and pace I like most and I don’t have to say a word. She learns my body and plays me perfectly.

When she adds the suction of her mouth and twirls of her tongue, I almost lift off the bed.


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