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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 64

Chapter Sixty Four

“Morgan!” I scream. I leap out of my seat into the main cabin and drag her behind me.

The wolf in Michail’s lap has mauled his neck. He’s losing way too much blood. He’s holding her, trying to pry her jaws off, but the way she’s thrashing is shredding his throat and arteries. And he still had a bullet in his leg from the elevator that’s been slowly seeping.

The scent of blood sends the two vamps into a frenzy.

Jacob wrestles with one. I dive onto the other.

I shift and and use my claws to cut into its skin. The moment my canines drop, I go in for the kill. This vamp may be weak, and starved, but it is still very strong and we crash into the wall, shattering one of the windows.

Thank god we’re on the ground and not at 20,000 feet.

Morgan screams.

Declan’s protecting her, even as he pulls the knife from his boot and stabs the vamp that Jacob has pinned to the back cabin wall. The she-wolf, he drags off Michail by her hair.

She kicks and lashes out madly. She’s too weak to shift.

“They’re spelled!” Morgan yells.

A second later she sends a pulse of energy that blasts all of us backward and up into the air. Whatever this spell is–it defies gravity.

We float. Bouncing into the ceiling and walls, droplets of blood suspended and splattering when they connect with a surface.

“Be still,” she commands. Her hands and mouth move as she calls upon her magic and the vamps and female go motionless.

“Tend to him,” she tells me, but I’m already there, with what motion I can manage without my feet on the ground.

I grab hold of Michail and haul him to my chest. I slap a hand on his throat to staunch the bleeding. But if he doesn’t shift or we don’t cauterize this, he’ll bleed out before he can regenerate.

“I could use some fire right now, Morgan.”

The burst of witchfire, scalds my hands and burns my skin all the way up my wrist. It sets Michail’s shirt on fire too. He screams. I wait for the skin and blood vessels to seal shut.

This is not a good solution and I imagine Dr. Lee will have my head for making his job harder, but …

“Shift, Michail.” I anchor my foot to one of the seatbacks and use it to lever us to the ground.

Jacob and Declan surround us.

They hold his limbs and pat the burning fabric on his chest.

Michail’s eyes are wild. He’s in bad shape and he can’t connect with his wolf. “Nice and easy, buddy. We’re here. You got this.”

It takes several seconds–time he didn’t have to spare–before his wolf manages to push through.

When it does, Morgan gasps.

Michail’s wolf is burned. The skin on its throat and chest and the left side of his face is red and blistered, and given that magic caused these burns, and they haven’t healed in his true form, I think he’ll bear these scars for life.

“It’s a small price to pay,” Declan says quietly.

A moment later, the jet door opens and my brother steps into the cabin.

Cam takes one look at the vamps and female floating. Michail’s burned and bloody wolf, whimpering. The blood that’s in some zero-gravity space, and says, “What the fuck?”

Yeah. I go to rake a hand through my hair but feel the burns on my fingers. Morgan makes a distressed sound and then she’s lunging toward me and grabbing my hand. “Ouch!”

“I’m so sorry!” She blows on the burns. Like that’s going to help or something.

“Kill the attackers,” Cam says.

He’d been a puppet too. For years.

And I just brought that up again.


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