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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 71

Chapter Seventy-One

Eric stands in the doorway.

His chest is heaving.

This experience the three of us shared was the most erotic sexual encounter of my life. Nala purrs and stretches in my mind.

“It was fucking hot, Mia.”

His eyes rake over my body as if he’s filling in the details of this memory. As if the fantasy we shared wasn’t enough, and he needs to have me for real. Right now.

The horn blasts and it draws my attention to the balcony.

I see a city in the distance. This isn’t one of the San Juan Islands.

“Detour,” Eric explains. “I’ve had trackers scouring the Pacific Seaboard for weeks. We’ve spotted him.”



Eric tilts his head. “We good?”

He isn’t asking about our mutual enemy. He’s asking about me.

I rise from the bed. My hand glistens and there is wetness on my fingers and between my legs. “Yeah.”

He strides fully into the room and kicks the door closed behind him. He’s naked and even though I know he just came maybe a minute or two ago, he’s hard again.

“Dude. Seriously!?”

He laughs.

He tilts my chin back and kisses me. It’s just a chaste brush of his lips, but there is a tenderness in it. Like I’m something to cherish.

It’s sweet.

“I need a shower,” I tell him.

I can only imagine what I must look like.

He points toward the bathroom door to his right, but catches my arm before I can slip past him, I freeze with nervousness.

What we did was intense. But it was consensual and we did it all together. Cam was right there with me.

Having sex for real. With this Alpha. And not with Cam. I don’t know if I can do that.

“Eric… I…”

“Shh.” He pulls me closer. “Tell him I’m going to kiss you now.”

I gasp.

“Tell him.”

C-Cam…Eric wants to kiss me.

Cam laughs in my head. Of course he does.

“What did he say?” Eric asks.

I shrug. “He isn’t surprised.”

“Good enough for me.” He’s smiling like a pirate as he plunders my mouth.


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