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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 73

Chapter Seventy-Three

Philipe points to Mia.

“I know all about your fucked up ties to that bitch. And I want you to know, not only will I take her. But I will make her suffer–over and over again.”

“I’ll kill you first.”

As I say it, a group of vampires move toward Mia where she walks with Alex. “You’re outnumbered and outgunned,” Philipe says confidently. “And our ‘new friends’...” he tsks. “If you think wolves are savage, you can’t imagine what vampires can do.”

He starts to walk away. “Change is coming. You Alphas…your time has passed. A new Order is rising.” He smiles. “And there will be blood…”

I make my way toward Mia.

It’s midday and this park is overrun with humans.

It defies every instinct in my body to let Philipe walk out.

My wolf is furious. I feel the ripples of the beast rolling beneath my skin. But I can’t shift now. And we know it.

But the things Philipe said…

What he did to my sister.

What he wants to do to Mia.

I draw even with her. “Hey,” I say, “I don’t want to rush this reunion, but we should get back to your dad.”

My men are closing ranks and moving into position, they’re armed and ready to fight and the handful of vampires strolling about twenty feet to the right and left of us… they smile, itching for blood.

“I don’t understand,” Alex says. “Where are you going, Mia?”

“I have to go home. Back to Montana. You know I was estranged from my family, but my mom just died–”

Alex gasps and squeezes her hands. “I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah. It’s been tough.”

“I’m trying to track down my sister,” Mia says. “That’s why I’m here. She’s…not well.”

Mia’s eyes widen as she sees my team moving into an attack formation. She draws Alex in for a quick, hard hug.

“I promise I’ll call,” she says.

“W-will you come back?” Alex whispers.

She hugs him once more. “I hope so.”

He watches us draw away and I feel sorry for the guy.

A brilliant engineer and tech genius, I genuinely wanted to enlist his company’s services. But that was before…

Right now, we have way more pressing things to deal with.

Watch our backs, I tell my men.

“I can’t believe we’re just letting him go,” Mia says. Then she pauses. “Will he hurt Alex?”

“I don’t think so.”

But she isn’t wrong to be concerned. Her reunion with Alex showed that he means something to her. And as such, he could be leverage.

Keep the tech CEO in your sights. I want a full security detail on him, door to door.


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