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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 76

Chapter Seventy-Six


I nod again.

Eric dips his thumb into my mouth again, and then he uses the moistness to rub my lower lip. “You heard him, Mia. Say the words.”

“Yes, I understand.” I glance between these two alphas. “I will.”

“These lips,” Eric mutters.

Cam’s hand is still down below. He laughs and palms me harder. “I’m a bit more fixated on these lips right now.”

Eric grins. “Guess we have a plan then.”

Then both men are stepping back and peeling out of their clothes. Their abs ripple and arms bulge. They’re so strong. So virile.

When Cam’s hands go to his pants, I’m already breathing hard. Eric beats him by a few seconds and he’s standing closer so my gaze is drawn straight to his cock.

He strokes it in front of me.

While I watch, Cameron undoes my jeans and slowly drags them down my legs. His hands grip the waistband of my panties and when those come off, I shudder.

The air is soo cold down there, and the contrast against my wetness makes me impossibly hot.

He runs one finger along my pussy and then draws it into his mouth. His eyes light with his wolf. Conn always went a little wild for the taste of me.

I don’t move.

Eric guides my back until I’m sitting up and then takes my shirt off. He pinches each nipple through my bra.

I gasp.

“You weren’t kidding,” he tells Cam.

He flips off my bra and sits beside me to play with both my breasts. I drop back against the cushions. My left hand instinctively reaches for his cock. I stop.

“No, Mia,” Cam tells me. “It’s all or nothing tonight. You want to touch him, then do it right.”

Gods help me, I do.

I stroke the hard head of Eric’s cock and immediately pre-cum glistens at the top. I lean over and lick it off.

“Goddamn,” Eric mumbles.

Cam laughs. He bends my knees and spreads them out.

I’m completely bare to him. He spreads my lips, uses my own wetness to tease my clit out. At the same time, Eric begins his assault on my nipples.

I always thought my breasts too big, and the nipples too large and dark, and having kids, yeah, that didn’t help, but Eric lifts them and holds them together, his fingers plucking hard on one while his teeth graze the other. He keeps it up, back and forth.

I stare at his member. It’s big and hard and bulbous at the top. The ridges are just like I envisioned and the rim I remember so clearly from how it felt when he…

I grab his cock and he gasps.

Cam’s fingers dip inside me and my hips lift up. I moan loudly.

Both men pause. They smile.

Then the dual assault commences and I’m flooded with pleasure.

Cam dips his head between my thighs. I don’t last but a few seconds before I’m convulsing around his hand and mouth. Eric’s pinching my nipples in time to each pulse. I shudder and my mouth opens on another moan.

Eric’s gaze is fixated on my mouth and I know what he wants.


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