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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 79

Chapter Seventy-Nine

We follow the three Seers to the end of the pier where two golf carts are waiting. It’s an odd blend of old, almost primeval customs mashed up with new world technology. Or maybe that’s just my impression of these women.

They seem older, wiser, ‘otherworldly’ in some way.

The eldest Seer and youngest one take the first cart and head off without waiting.

The thirty-something Seer slips behind the steering wheel and says to us, “Climb in.”

I have the option of sitting next to her or taking the backseat with Eric.

I pick the back but I sit at an angle, so I’m not facing backwards. Whatever is coming, I want to see it. Eric does the same but in the opposite direction so we won’t have a blindside. He’s tense. A muscle ticks in his jaw.

I know him well enough to recognize the signs, but for anyone else, he’d appear calm and confident.

The Seer accelerates up the paved roadway and then we’re doing a zigzag to gain elevation. We pass huge beautiful homes. Their modern facades face the water. The giant windows and walls of glass would offer unobstructed views of the open ocean and other islands in the distance.

At the top of the incline, the ground levels off into a vast open field. Giant trees create a boundary and the rows of tables and the giant massive tent erected to offer shade and protection from the elements suggest that this space is used frequently.

They have prepared a huge feast.

Dozens of Seers are lined up. They vary in ages and ethnicities and it’s clear this ‘pack’ spans the globe.

There is something very unifying about that, like this gift of sight is distributed fairly, even if other resources might not be.

“Meet your Sisters,” the Seer says.

Technically, I haven’t even met her yet. She drove us up the hill, but she didn’t introduce herself or talk about the island at all. She didn’t try to engage us in any way.

She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes and I cautiously get out of the golf cart.

Eric stands beside me and we follow this woman into the main tent.

The Seers form two rows, and I walk down the pathway they create.




“My sister.”

The welcomes from each woman begin to sound like a mantra.

One of the Seers is nonbinary. And I take comfort in that. I recall the explanation that this gift could only be activated when a woman conceived life. But that had made my heart heavy. What about those she-wolves who couldn’t have children, or those who identified themselves as female but had not been born that way?

I nod at them. They return the acknowledgement.

“It’s rare,” our guide explains. “But there are instances where the gift of Sight is so strong, it is triggered by events other than pregnancy. If you save a life…sometimes if you take a life.”


“The Goddess bestows our gifts as She sees fit.” The Seer smiles again, and this time it appears genuine. Her brown eyes crinkle at the corners.

Eric glances at me and one of his brows goes up. He has seen me in many different moods, but reflective and spiritual haven’t come up in our limited interactions.

He rubs his chest.

You all right? I ask in his mind.

He nods. His nostrils flare as if he’s scenting something unfamiliar.


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