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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 88

Chapter Eighty-Eight

It’s going to take three hours.

The battle or whatever assault Cam has staged…it’ll likely be over in three minutes.

As the plane lifts off, I try to hold myself together.

Cam and I had stolen moments in these last…days? Weeks?

It seems like hardly any time has passed since I came back from California for the first time. Our lives have been consumed with fighting and treacheries and trying to mend the mistakes of our past.

And in that time, I was also mated to another.

I can’t even say that I was wholly with Cam.

Up until two days ago, when Eric and Ashley were married, I would have said that my heart was tied to Eric’s too.

Part of it always will be.

But Cameron is my life.

I hold my stomach.

He’s the father of my unborn child.

We’ve not had a real chance to even be a family.

I can’t lose him yet. I can’t.

I close my eyes and try not to sob.

Tears leak free. They’re warm on my face.

Goddess, please, I pray.

I don’t think she listens to prayers.

I think she hears. But I don’t think that ‘answering’ a wish is how life works.

Whatever messes we make are ours alone to unravel.

Cameron, I reach out to him. Beware of the Master Vampire.

But he doesn’t reply.

My stomach churns.

Every minute feels like an eternity. The small clock mocks me amid the many instruments in the cockpit. I watch each minute tick, tick, tick away, wondering if with those passing seconds, my mate has left this world.

I still feel joined to him.

The connection is there. Muted now, but still strong.

It gives me hope.

My body is so amped with adrenaline that by the first hour, endorphins are firing off that have me in a near sedated state. Maybe it’s a form of shock. Between my near-death encounter and being so far away and unable to reach Cameron…

“Do you have a phone?” I ask the pilot.

He looks at me oddly. But leans forward to pull a cell phone from his back pocket. As we land to refuel, I dial the main packhouse.

The pilot disembarks to check the plane and handle the fueling.

My father answers. “Mia! Are you okay? Where are you?”

“Dad!” I cut him off. “You need to get word to Cameron. It’s a trap. Cassian…he’s lethal.”

“Cass who?”

“Dad, there’s no time!”


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