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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Caught a Cold Because of You

Last night?

What happened last night?

Jane, alert, looked at Patrick, rubbed her temples, gradually regaining awareness.

She remembered; she had made plans with Nana to go to a bar for drinks last night. Unfortunately, they encountered that thug Ron, and she was drugged by accident.

Later, Patrick appeared suddenly and took her away. She recalled that it was around that time when she felt a burning sensation all over her body and lost consciousness.

Vaguely, she seemed to have engaged in some inappropriate activities with Patrick.

Nervously, Jane checked herself.

Fortunately, everything seemed normal.

Still a bit uneasy, Jane asked, "You didn't do anything last night, did you?"

Seeing the woman in front of him, nervously checking herself, Patrick raised an eyebrow, "What, were you hoping I did something?"

"No way!" Jane glared at Patrick.

Relieved, Jane couldn't help but feel fortunate that she had Patrick with her last night. He turned out to be a decent man.

Otherwise, things could have been very dangerous.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Just then, Patrick suddenly coughed.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Jane asked in concern.

Patrick cleared his throat, "Caught a cold."

"A cold?" Jane's tone carried a hint of worry, "How did you catch a cold out of the blue?"

As far as she knew, Patrick was always in excellent health. He was perfectly fine yesterday, so how did he suddenly catch a cold?

Patrick gave Jane a deep look, his tone carrying a meaningful tone, "All because of you."

If it weren't for this woman being drugged and clinging to him stubbornly, he wouldn't have taken a cold shower and wouldn't have caught a cold.


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