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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Will You Marry Me

"I'll go in and check on Patrick," Jane eagerly said.

"But Morton said no one can enter without his orders," the guard hesitated.

They knew Jane was Patrick's fiancée, but since Morton instructed them, they faithfully kept Jane outside.

After a moment of thought, Jane took out her phone and called Morton.

Hearing the ringtone, Morton glanced down, saw it was Jane, and pressed the speaker button.

"Miss North, is there something?" Morton asked.

Jane's voice, filled with anxiety and concern, came through the phone, "Is Patrick awake?"

"No," Morton looked down at Patrick, who was lying comfortably on the bed, and calmly replied.

Not awake?

A wave of disappointment hit Jane, and she bit her lip, "I'm still worried about Patrick. Can I go in and see him?"

Every word of Jane's plea reached Patrick's ears.

The corner of his attractive lips couldn't help but lift into a mysterious curve.

This woman still cared about him.

With a questioning look, Morton glanced at Patrick.

Seeing Patrick nod slightly, Morton spoke, "Please wait a moment."

Morton opened the door, and Jane's petite figure stood at the entrance.

Smiling, Morton said, "Please come in."

"Miss North can come and go freely in the future." Morton turned to the guards.

"Is Patrick okay?" Jane's gaze focused on the man lying on the bed, still strikingly handsome even in his "unconscious" state.

With closed eyes, hearing Jane's caring voice, Patrick's most tender place on his left chest seemed to be gently tickled by feathers.

"The CEO is fine, and his condition is stable," Morton said, pursing his lips.

"I thought I heard him speaking just now," Jane stared at Patrick intently, as if she had indeed heard his voice.

"No, it was me talking on the phone," Morton quickly shook his head.

"Oh, I see," Jane said, somewhat disappointed.

Morton looked at Jane, then at Patrick, and said, "Miss North, since you're here with him, I'll head back. If you need anything, you can instruct the guards at the door. They're all the CEO's trusted aides."

Since Jane had arrived, it was better for him not to be a third wheel here.

"Thank you," Jane faintly smiled at Morton.

Morton turned and walked out of the room, closing the door.

However, deep down, he couldn't help but think, did the CEO really fake his unconsciousness just to expose the mastermind? Perhaps he just wanted to make Jane worry.

Sitting at the bedside, Jane silently watched the man lying in bed, her mood exceptionally heavy.

Waves of fatigue washed over her, and finally unable to resist, Jane sat on the bed and fell asleep.

The room was very quiet, with only the faint sound of breathing lingering.

The man who had been in a coma slowly opened his eyes.

Patrick's clear and indifferent gaze, when it fell on the woman sleeping at the bedside, involuntarily softened, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

Patrick gently stood up, took a thin blanket from the bed, and covered Jane with it.


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