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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Phone Recording

"Of course," Jones' gaze flickered with a hint of provocation towards Jane. Then, his expression darkened, and he declared with determination, "I should have concluded today's press conference after Pansy Group's public clarification. However, I don't want to bury my conscience, so I choose to reveal the truth today."

"Conscience? I think your conscience was eaten by a dog," Jane's lips curled into a sarcastic smile.

Seeing Jane's response, reporters surrounded her, bombarding her with questions.

"Miss Jane, is what Mr. Jones said true?"

"Did Pansy Group really choose to use inferior materials for profit, leading to consumer poisoning?"

"Are those two so-called warehouse managers really scapegoats?"

"After the situation escalated, did Pansy Group orchestrate this explosion incident themselves?"

Jane smiled calmly and confidently responded, "Of course not. Every word Jones said is false, fabricated to intentionally slander Pansy Group."

"What evidence do you have to prove that Jones is lying?" a reporter aimed the microphone at Jane. "Why would he do this? What benefit does he gain?"

Jane sneered, "If, as Jones claims, the explosion was premeditated by Pansy Group, then why would Patrick and I be injured in the explosion?"

She rolled up her sleeve, revealing a prominent dark red wound on her fair and delicate skin.

Her stern gaze fixed on Jones, "If Patrick and I knew about the explosion in advance, how could we have coincidentally gone to Warehouse 1 at the time of the explosion? Now, Patrick is lying unconscious in the hospital, risking his life as a joke?"

Upon hearing Jane's words, people began to murmur among themselves.

Indeed, the news from the hospital confirmed that Patrick was severely injured in the explosion, and he had been in a coma for days, possibly becoming a vegetable.

A cold glint flashed in Jones' eyes. "This is your feigned strategy, but an accident happened, and Patrick got injured."

"An accident? I say it's intentional!" Jane's expression turned completely cold, lips tinged with mockery.

"The explosion that day was quite coincidental, happening neither too early nor too late, precisely when Patrick and I went to the warehouse. Meanwhile, you, Jones, just a moment before the explosion, received a phone call and walked away, completely unharmed!"

"What do you mean by saying that?" Jones furrowed his brows.

Jane stared at him coldly, "My point is, Jones, you are the mastermind behind the explosion! You are the one responsible for the radioactive materials in 'Ice and Fire'!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Jones retorted coldly. "Just because I spoke the truth, Miss North, you're panicking and trying to shift everything onto me?"

"Perhaps the one panicking is you," Jane said with a faint smile. "You intentionally mixed radioactive elements into the raw materials, causing some 'Ice and Fire' products produced in France to contain radioactive elements and poison consumers. Then, you deliberately led Patrick and me to Warehouse 1, planted a bomb there, and that phone call was actually directing someone to detonate the bomb! You carefully set up this trap, but why?"

"Miss North's story sounds so touching, too bad it's all your fabrication," Jones waved his hand, addressing the reporters. "Don't believe her one-sided words."

Jane's lips curled into a cold smile. "Whether it's a story or not will soon become clear."


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