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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Plane Out of Control

Jane's heart is a little bit confused at this moment.

She lifted her gaze to the man in front of her, their eyes met and intertwined, creating an indescribable fluttering emotion that gradually grew within Jane's heart.

"Thank you." Jane reached out and took the plush kitten.

The cat's fur was stained with Patrick's blood, and the originally white fluff had turned dark red in some places.

At the moment when Jane took over the kitten, Patrick chuckled lightly.

"Are you not angry anymore?" Patrick reached out and embraced Jane, his tender words ringing softly in her ear, "Every word I said to you yesterday was true, please believe me."

Jane gave a faint smile, neither confirming nor denying.

She gently pushed Patrick's hand away and said, "Please let go of me first."

"You're laughing, does that mean you're not angry anymore?" Patrick said in a low and hoarse voice.

"Does it matter whether I get angry or not?" Jane gently stroked the plush cat in her hand.

"Very important." Patrick looked deeply at Jane and answered very seriously.

Jane pursed her lips and said nothing.

Patrick fell silent for a moment and then asked, "What exactly happened in the bathroom just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Annie just didn't like me and got two people to try and kidnap me," Jane said casually.

Recalling the situation, Patrick furrowed his brows and said, "So... those two people were the ones you beat up like that."

"What else?" Jane shrugged and asked in a casual tone.

Patrick narrowed his eyes slightly, and a probing gaze swept over Jane.

Can his fiancée from the countryside really fight like this?

Feeling intimidated by Patrick's gaze, Jane stood up and said, "Let's go. The auction should still be going on."

Since Patrick has taken a photo of this cat, Jane can only go and take pictures of other things.

Anyway, as the behind-the-scenes boss of Leo Studio, she should also support her own studio and contribute a little bit.

Just as Jane was about to take a step, Patrick reached out and grabbed her arm.

Patrick gently pulled Jane into his arms.

Jane stumbled and fell onto Patrick's lap.

This was a little awkward.

Jane wanted to stand up, but Patrick's clearly defined bones of his big hand tightly held onto her shoulder.


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