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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151: The Return of the King

Amidst the enthusiastic applause, Winston stood up with a smile on his face. "Thank you, thank you for your support!" He waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down and cleared his throat before speaking in a deep voice. "I am deeply saddened by Patrick's misfortune, but now is not the time for sadness. I have more important things to do."

"Pansy Group is my stepfather's life work. With my stepfather gravely ill and Patrick's fate unknown, the century-old foundation of Pansy Group cannot be shaken. Since everyone trusts me, I can only take up this heavy burden."

A sharp journalist asked, "Mr. Winston, did Old Pansy authorize you as the next CEO of Pansy Group?"

After all, Pansy Group was founded by Old Pansy himself and as chairman of Pansy Group he had the power to decide who would become CEO.

If there was no authorization from Old Pansy then Winston would not have legitimacy.

Winston smiled confidently and said: "Of course! This is also what my stepfather wants."

"Why didn't Old Pansy come to today's press conference?" another reporter asked.

Winston blinked slightly before replying: "Because of Patrick's situation - my stepfather had a heart attack and is now in critical condition so he couldn't attend today's event. He has entrusted me with full authority over handling all matters related to Pansy Group."

Watching Winston talk on stage with such confidence made Jane smirk sarcastically.

It seems that Winston really hopes that Patrick dies soon but unfortunately for him his plans may backfire.

Jane looked at her phone; she still hadn't heard any news about Patrick yet.

He went out to rescue Old pansies; hopefully nothing unexpected happens?

While Winston continued talking on stage pretending like everything was fine Morton took off his sunglasses and signaled Jane with a nod towards him

Morton walked towards the stage with long strides looking coldly at Winston saying: "Winston cannot take over as CEO ofP ans yGroup!"

This sudden opposition immediately drew everyone's attention towards Morton

As we all know Morton was one of Patrick's most trusted assistants

One journalist quickly asked: "Morton what do you mean?"

Morton replied calmly: "Just what it sounds like."

Seeing this sudden change in attitude from Morton made Winstons face change color

Why did Morton suddenly change sides?

"Mr. Pansy is just missing for now, and as long as he hasn't been found, there's still hope of finding him. Vice President Lin, why rush to replace him?" Morton's cold gaze locked onto Winston.

Winston forced a smile and walked up to Morton, patting his shoulder. "Patrick had an accident, I know you're sad about it. But I'm also grieving - I watched Patrick grow up and treated him like my own son."

"But now we must face reality," Winston continued. "After Patrick went missing, how many of us searched tirelessly? And what did we find? Nothing! We still don't know if he's alive or dead!"

"If he's still missing then that means Mr. Pansy could be alive too," Morton sneered at Winston.

Winston frowned and signaled to the security guard standing nearby.

The guard immediately understood and approached Morton saying "Morton please leave."


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