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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153: Don't Look at Me Twice

"Why?" Osborn's eyes darkened instantly, and he asked urgently, "You and Patrick have a contract relationship, right? Didn't you say that you don't like him and will soon break off the engagement with him? Did he force you?"

Seeing Osborn so excited, Jane shook her head helplessly. "What? Do you think anyone can force me?"

"Then why..." Osborn's face showed some melancholy and hurt.

Indeed, according to Jane's personality, no one could force her to do anything, including Patrick.

So... Jane accepted Patrick because...

Jane pursed her lips and gave Osborn an answer. "Because I fell in love with Patrick. So I agreed to his pursuit."

"No, this is impossible!" After hearing Jane's words, Osborn was full of shock and disbelief.

Jane had clearly said that the engagement between him and Patrick was only arranged by their grandfathers. She didn't have any feelings for Patrick at all. How could she fall in love with him?!

"In France during these days," Jane explained,"I got to know Patrick again. Especially after we crashed into the sea together when our plane went down - he risked his own safety to save me. He deserves my trust for life."

"Jane, this is not love at all."Osborn held onto Jane's shoulders with both hands."You were just moved by what he did for you. Moving doesn't equal love. I can do whatPatrick did foryou too. Why don'tyou choose me instead?"

"Osborn, don't be like this."Jane gently pushed away Osborn."We are not suitable."

In Osbon's gaze was nothing but a look of injury."Jane, don't you know thatPatrick loves Candyin his heart?"


For some reason, Jane's heart sank.

She frowned slightly as she spoke,"CandyandPatrick are already in the past tense. Now, the person whom Patricks loves is me."

"Jane, you're deceiving yourself. Do you have confidence? If one day, Candy suddenly appears, canyou guarantee thatPatrick won't choose Candy?"

Osborne's words were like a hammer hitting on Janes' heart, making her feel very uncomfortable.

She had thought about it before - Candy might still be alive, and might suddenly appear someday. But, she had already made up her mind when she decided to be withPatrick. She would make sure thatPatric lovedher completely, and there would be no room left in his heart for anyone else – including Candy.

Thinking of this, Jane nodded firmly,"Yes, I am confident."

"What?" Patrick's expression turned dark as he heard Florence's words. "Jane was with Osborn?"

Florence nodded, a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "Yes, they were together at the Pansy Group entrance. Erica said that Jane was trying to seduce him."

Patrick clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger rise within him. He had trusted Jane completely and now it seemed like she had betrayed him.

"Where is she now?" he asked through gritted teeth.


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