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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Looking Forward to the Engagement Ceremony

"Engagement, huh... I guess it's okay," Old Pansy laughed heartily and then instructed Maurice, "Maurice, go get the Chinese almanac."

Flipping through the almanac, Old Pansy put on his reading glasses and carefully studied it for a few minutes before looking up at Patrick and Jane. "The 18th of this month is an auspicious day according to the Chinese zodiac. It would be a good day for your engagement ceremony."

"The 18th? Isn't that too rushed?" Jane was somewhat speechless. Today was already the 10th, so there were only eight days left. Wasn't that too hasty? She didn't even have enough time to design her own dress.

Patrick's deep gaze turned towards Jane as he reached out and directly embraced her. In a clear tone of voice he said, "It's not rushed at all. You don't need to prepare anything; I will give you a grand engagement ceremony when the time comes. All you have to do is wait to be beautiful as my bride."

Looking at her grandson and Jane's affectionate appearance, Old Pansy nodded in satisfaction. "Then it's settled."

Jane was somewhat speechless... what do you mean 'settled'? She hadn't agreed yet.

The men of the Pansy family were really domineering one after another.

"Grandfather, I will continue to send people to keep an eye on Winston," Patrick suddenly remembered something as he spoke up again: "Morton has found the pilot who crashed into sea after falling from our plane; unfortunately they suffered injuries during their fall so they can't remember anything about that day."

"I see," Old Pansy frowned slightly: "Let's arrange for him to receive treatment from our best doctor."

"I've already arranged it," Patrick replied coldly with clear eyes: "Grandfather Winston can imprison you with madness or tamper with my plane trying harm me or even cause my father's death…all are related him."

Old Pansy narrowed his eyes slightly as a complex expression flashed across them: "Don't jump into conclusions without solid evidence first; I really don't want it to be Winston."

After all, Winston had been raised by him since childhood, and his father had done him favors back then-even sacrificing himself in order save him. Old pansy adopted Winston because of this reason. He really didn't want believe that Winston had ulterior motives.

"I understand grandfather," Patrick replied calmly.

News spread quickly about Patrick and Jane's engagement plans becoming hot topic online instantly topping search engines everywhere. The comments below were also unprecedentedly enthusiastic with many expressing their congratulations:

"Mr. Patrick and Miss Jane are finally getting engaged!"

"Mr. Patrick and Miss Jane, the best couple, congratulations to them!"

"The heartthrob is getting engaged. Envy, jealousy, hate... just kidding! Congratulations to Mr. Patrick and Miss Jane!"

There were also many negative comments about Jane:

"Jane is a country bumpkin. What does she have that's worthy of Mr. Patrick?"

"Jane is a promiscuous woman who can't make up her mind between two men. Don't be fooled by her, Mr. Patrick!"

In the Pansy Group CEO office,

Patrick sat in his chair, his slender fingers swiping through his phone screen as he saw those negative comments about Jane furrowing his brows.

He called Morton over and said in a deep voice,"Go delete all those negative news."

Morton respectfully replied,"Yes sir."

At Allure Bar with flickering lights,

In the dressing room, a young girl wearing a white dress looked down at her phone with no expression on her face as she stared at the large photo of Patrick and Jane.

"Angel, why haven't you put on your makeup yet? The performance starts in half an hour." Angel's companion Alice reminded her when she saw Angel staring at her phone screen without blinking.


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