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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Is This Not Patrick's Car?

"I'm afraid of the dark, and you're afraid of dogs..."

Yes, it's true that Patrick used to be afraid of dogs.

And Candy is also afraid of the dark.

So when Patrick found out that Jane was also afraid of the dark, he briefly thought she was Candy.

But later it was proven that Jane wasn't Candy after all.

So this girl in front of him - Candice - must be Candy?

Candice reached out her trembling right hand and touched Patrick's face gently. "Yes, Paddy, I am Candy!"

The warmth from the woman's hand on his face made Patrick feel a bit uncomfortable for some reason. He calmly held Candice's hand and let go gently.

Candice's eyes dimmed imperceptibly as she continued speaking. "Paddy, I still remember back then when we were kidnapped by three men and one woman. The most vicious man had a missing tooth; they all called him Third Brother. We were all scared of him because every time he entered our little black room he frightened us."

Patrick's heart raced a bit faster at her words.

Candice was telling the truth!

Seeing Patrick react to what she said, Candice slightly raised her lips and continued speaking. "One time he came in with a knife wanting to cut my hair off; you fought so hard to protect me that he slashed your chest open causing lots of blood loss. Paddy, do you still have the scar on your chest...?"

"And there was another time when that kind-hearted woman brought us some food; she brought in a meat bun once but you didn't want to eat it because you wanted me to have it instead," Candice said with emotion in her voice as memories flooded back."You told me 'Candy, I'm not hungry yet so please eat first; we need energy if we want to escape...'"

Patrick's gaze deepened even more at these words.

He believed without any doubt now that this girl before him really was Candy

Only two people knew about these things from back then: himself and Candy

So Candice really is Candy!

She is who he has been searching for all these years!

"Candy... it really is you," said Patrick without any hesitation as his voice grew low and deep

"Paddy! You finally recognize me?" exclaimed Candace happily as she threw herself into his arms."This is wonderful! I finally get to see you again! When I fell off that cliff back then... I thought I would never see you again!"

The scent from Candace's perfume wafted over towards Patrick making his handsome brows furrow slightly

This scent seemed different than what he remembered from candy…perhaps because candy had grown up now which meant there would naturally be differences between how they smelled now compared with their childhoods.

Patrick gently pushed Candice away, reminiscing about the past with a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Yes, when you fell off the cliff back then, the people my father brought to find me saved you."

"I've been looking for you all these years, but why have I heard nothing from you? What happened after you fell off the cliff?" Candice sighed softly.

"After falling off the mountain, I was seriously injured and was saved by a hunter. My injuries were too severe at that time and I was taken to Australia by a foreign philanthropist who treated me and adopted me as his daughter," she explained.

"I've been in Australia ever since. After my adoptive father passed away, I came back to China to find my biological parents. It took several twists and turns before I found them. It turns out that they abandoned me because they had no other choice. For all these years, I misunderstood them for abandoning me," Candice said as she began to sob.

Patrick handed her a tissue and said calmly: "Don't cry; wipe your tears."

"Thank you," Candice replied as she wiped her eyes with the tissue.


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