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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162: There Will Be No Engagement Ceremony Tonight.

Jane's eyes flashed with complexity, carrying a hint of sadness and determination as she looked deeply at Patrick before turning and leaving. Her steps were unusually heavy, each one seeming to be a struggle.

Jane walked out of the door in a daze, Nana was walking towards her, panting and saying: "Jane, I've searched over there. I didn't see Patrick..."

"No need to look." Jane said coldly as she dug her nails deep into her flesh.

The pain from her fingers spread throughout her body but Jane didn't feel it because the pain in her heart was thousands of times worse!

Seeing that Jane's face was not good-looking, Nana asked with concern: "Jane, what happened?"

"Nana, let's go!" Jane snapped back to reality and pulled Nana towards the road.

The taxi from earlier was still there; the driver had just come back from using the restroom. Just as he was about to start driving again, Jane opened the car door and got in before saying sternly: "Go to Emperor Hotel."

Emperor Hotel is owned by Pansy Group which is where tonight's engagement ceremony will be held.

"Jane what happened? Did you find Patrick?" Seeing that something wasn't right with Jane's appearance, Nana asked anxiously.

With an icy expression on her face, Jane nodded while biting down on her lip.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here with you? Did he go directly to Emperor Hotel?"Nana worriedly questioned.

After knowing each other for so long, Nana had never seen their boss like this before. She must have been through something terrible.

Closing her eyes, Jane lifted up a sarcastic smile,"There won't be any engagement ceremony tonight."

"What?"Nana exclaimed in shock.

"I decided to break off my engagement with Patrick because his white moonlight has returned. He disappeared all day today because he spent it together with Candy."

"White moonlight? You mean Candy came back? How could this happen!" Nanas voice filled up disbelief.

She had heard about Candy from Jane before, knowing that Patrick once loved a girl named Candy. But when she fell off a cliff years ago, everyone thought she had already passed away. Now, on the day when Patrick and Janes' engagement would take place, Candy suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

Nana didn't know how to comfort Jane. "Even if Candy comes back, Patrick may not choose her. Jane, don't be like this. You need to talk to him."

"Patrick's actions have already said it all. Why bother?" Jane squinted her beautiful eyes, with a hint of bitterness in her tone.

"But..." Nana knew her boss's personality well. Jane was a determined, self-respecting and proud woman who made up her mind and no one could change it.

Nana wanted to say more but Jane interrupted her. "Nana, let me be alone for a while."

Jane leaned back against the seat and the scene of Patrick hugging Candy just now appeared in her mind again and again, unable to drive away.

Her heart sank bit by bit until it reached the deepest part of the lake.

The coldness was so intense that she felt pain she had never experienced before.

It was very uncomfortable; painful enough almost suffocating.

But even if it hurt so much, she had to endure it.

At this moment, she must be strong.


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