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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Familiar Fragrance

Monica clenched her fists behind her back, a reluctant apology escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

Jane, with a sly smile, teased, "I didn't catch that. Could you say it louder? What did you say?"

Louder and more begrudgingly, Monica repeated, "I'm sorry!"

Patrick's commanding voice echoed in the room, making Monica tremble. She nodded in response to his stern directive.

As Monica left Patrick's office, she shot a fierce glare at Jane. Things hadn't gone as planned. The country girl had turned out to be more resourceful than Monica anticipated. She not only fell into Jane's trap but also made a fool of herself in front of her crush, which was nothing short of humiliating.

Monica was determined to get back at Jane. She would ensure that Jane faced twice the humiliation she did that day.

Once again, Jane found herself working past the closing hour. She stayed late to cross-check the data on the document Monica had given her.

As she waited by the roadside for a taxi, a black Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of her.

It was Patrick's car.

"Get in," Patrick said, rolling down the window and looking at her.

Jane took a step back, declining his offer. "No, thanks. I'll take a taxi."

Patrick wasn't inclined to accept her refusal. He got out of the car and looked at Jane with a determined expression.

"Taxis are scarce on this road at this hour. I won't leave you alone here. Who knows, you might end up under a desk again, and I'd have to rescue you and take care of you all night."


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