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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180: I Will Definitely Save Jane

"Call the police! Hurry, call the police!" Nana was in a frantic state, taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself.

Her fingers trembled as she dialed the emergency number.

Several men nearby shook their heads, expressing regret, "Calling the police won't help. In an avalanche, chances are the person is already gone..."

"No, that won't happen! Don't say such things! Jane will be fine!" Nana shouted, startling everyone present.

Megan approached, patting Nana's shoulder and comforting her, "Miss Nana, try to stay calm. Miracles can happen."

Nana nodded and contacted the search and rescue team, "Hurry, my friend is trapped in the mountains, and there's been an avalanche!"

The rescue team arrived quickly, but the snowstorm was too severe.

The team leader, looking at the raging snowstorm, spoke with a stern expression to Nana, "I'm sorry, Miss Nana. In this harsh weather, it's not conducive to carrying out a rescue operation."

"But my friend is in danger; I must find her as soon as possible!" Nana said anxiously.

"Miss Nana, I understand your feelings, but I must ensure the safety of my team members," the team leader said solemnly. "The blizzard hasn't stopped, and a second avalanche could happen at any time."

Nana understood the logic, but how could she stand by and watch Jane in danger, not knowing whether she was alive or dead?

Nana, frantic with worry, thought for a moment and dialed Patrick's number.

Although Jane had once said she didn't want Patrick to know about this, not wanting him to feel indebted to her, Nana couldn't consider so many details in this life-and-death situation.

Pansy Group building, CEO's office.

Patrick was deeply engrossed in his work when Candice knocked on the door. "Paddy."

"Come in," Patrick's voice was cold and composed.

Candice entered, holding a document. She spoke softly, "Paddy, there are some parts of this I don't understand. Could you teach me?"

Patrick glanced at the document in Candice's hands. "Candy, this document is too specialized. Since you're new, start with some simpler materials."

Biting her lip, Candice said, "I want to learn more as soon as possible."

"Alright, I'll have Morton arrange for a senior employee to guide you. You can ask her if you have any questions in the future." Patrick thought for a moment and spoke in his usual indifferent tone.

"Oh," Candice felt somewhat disappointed. She had hoped to use this opportunity to get closer to Patrick, but he dismissed her with a few words.

Seeing Patrick busy, Candice whispered, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back and not disturb you, Paddy."

"Okay," Patrick uttered a monosyllabic response.

Candice turned to leave, just reaching the door, when suddenly she heard Patrick's magnetic voice, "Candy."

Her heart skipped a beat, and Candice stopped in her tracks.

Turning around, she looked at Patrick's incredibly handsome face, feeling a flutter of excitement.

Candice's eyes betrayed a hint of admiration. "Paddy, is there anything else?"

Patrick stood up, lips curving as he said, "I've arranged for someone to find you a new apartment. After work, I'll have them take you there. See if it meets your satisfaction."

Joy silently spread through every cell of Candice.

The reality was before her-Patrick did have feelings for her.


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