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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Finding Jane

"No, Jane must be somewhere not far from us!" Patrick's tone was affirmative.

He had a premonition; he would see Jane soon and rescue her!

Looking up at the red scarf dancing in the wind again, Patrick felt somewhat annoyed with himself.

Jane had left such an obvious distress signal; why hadn't he noticed it earlier?

At the time, Jane's situation must have been critical, and she left the distress signal, hoping he would come to her rescue.

But he had taken so long to find it, a full forty-eight hours since Jane disappeared.

He couldn't wait any longer!

"How did we only discover Jane's distress signal now?" Nana was equally frustrated.

"That scarf was definitely covered by heavy snow before, so we couldn't see it," Morton analyzed. "The sun came out this morning, the snow started melting slowly, and combined with the strong wind just now, that's why the scarf became visible."

"You make sense," Patrick nodded in agreement.

But where exactly was Jane?

Patrick furrowed his brows, and his profound gaze turned to the villagers who had come to help with the search. "Think about it, is there any place nearby where she could hide?"

"Oh, I remember!" one of the villagers excitedly spoke up. "Right by this road, there's a cave. Last summer when I went into the mountains to collect herbs, I went in to take a look."

A cave!


Jane must have taken refuge in the cave!

Patrick urgently asked, "Where is the cave?"

"It should be nearby," the villager scratched his head, "but I don't remember exactly where."


Patrick cursed inwardly. Why did someone have to drop the ball at a crucial moment?

But, at least, they had a lead now.

There was a good chance that Jane had left the distress signal before the avalanche and then hid in the cave.

After a few seconds of careful recollection, the villager pointed to the right. "The general direction should be over there."

Before the villager finished speaking, Patrick rushed in the direction he pointed.

"Jane, Jane! Are you here?! Jane! Answer me!!" Patrick shouted loudly.

Pausing for a moment, he turned to instruct Morton, "Come over here and dig away the snow!"

Inside the cave.

Jane was leaning against the cave wall, resting her eyes to conserve energy.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear a magnetic voice.

Faint, ethereal.

But so familiar.

As if... Patrick's voice!

Jane woke up abruptly, quickly walking to the cave entrance, perking up her ears to listen carefully.

"Jane, Jane! Where are you!"

It really was Patrick!

Patrick came to rescue her!

Boundless joy spread in Jane's heart.

Trembling, she said, "Patrick, is that you?"

Trapped in the cave for two whole days, her voice was a bit hoarse.

"Patrick, I'm here!" Jane tried to raise her voice but struggled.

What to do?

She had to notify Patrick of her presence as soon as possible.

Jane took a deep breath to calm herself.


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