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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188: Have You Met My Parents?

The three of them moved forward, and as the ice and snow had not completely melted, the journey was full of bumps and difficulties, especially for Jane.

"If I had known, I should have let Patrick use the helicopter to bring us here," Nana complained.

Instead of letting Candice cling to Patrick, it would have been better to have him bring them to find Dr. Newton.

After all, the purpose of finding Dr. Newton was to save Old Pansy.

Patrick had a responsibility to bring them here.

Jane's face stiffened. She looked around with a furrowed brow, "We should be close by."

"Are you sure?" Nana questioned, puzzled. "Everywhere is covered in snow, desolate, and it doesn't look like there's any sign of human activity."

"According to what Megan said, it should be around here," Jane paused her steps.

Osborn, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke in a deep voice, pointing ahead, "Jane, is this the place?"

Following Osborn's indication, not far behind a dense forest, a small cabin faintly appeared.

Passing through the forest revealed a hidden paradise on the other side.

"It should be right here!" Jane's tone carried excitement.

Approaching, she knocked on the door, "Is anyone there?"

No response.

"Could we be mistaken? Is this the wrong place?" Nana asked worriedly.

Jane's face darkened, but she persisted in knocking on the door, raising her voice, "Anyone? Uncle Newton, are you in there?"

After a while, the wooden door creaked open, revealing a middle-aged man with graying hair in Jane's line of sight.

Sword-like eyebrows, bright eyes, a full face of sideburns, vaguely resembling the image of Uncle Newton in Jane's memory, just much older.

It was him!

Truly Uncle Newton!

Old Pansy could be saved!

Jane spoke with some excitement, "Uncle Newton, do you still recognize me?"

"Are you Bernice?" Rory Newton squinted in shock, staring closely at Jane at the doorway, muttering with an excited expression, "Bernice, Bernice..."


Who was that?

Jane was stunned, "Uncle Newton, don't you recognize me? I'm Jane."

"Jane?" Rory snapped back to reality, disappointment flickering in his eyes. He said lightly, "So, it's you."

"Yes, Uncle Newton, do you remember me? When I was a child and seriously ill, you saved me, and later you taught me medical skills." Jane spoke urgently, fearing that Rory might have forgotten her.

Rory nodded, examining Jane from head to toe. His tone carried a hint of emotion, "You've grown so much. Come in, and let's talk."

Relieved that Rory still recognized her, Jane turned to Nana and Osborn, saying, "Wait for me outside. I know Uncle Newton doesn't like meeting strangers."

Entering the small cabin, Rory slammed the door shut with a bang.

"Take a seat," Rory pointed to a wooden stool in the room. "How did you know I was here?"

Following his words, Jane sat down and straightforwardly said, "Uncle Newton, I came to ask for your help with something."

"To ask me to treat an illness?" Rory guessed Jane's intention but flatly refused, "Go back. I won't leave this place."

Jane pleaded urgently, "Uncle Newton, I know my request is abrupt, but Mr. Pansy's life is at stake, and only you can save him. Can you please help me?"


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