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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Leave it to Jane

Rory's technique was extraordinary, his movements swift and precise, a series of actions flowing seamlessly like a masterful performance, leaving Jane dazzled.

"Jane, did you see it clearly?" Rory deliberately slowed down, glancing at Jane.

"Yeah." Jane nodded, mentally noting Rory's technique.

After about half an hour, Rory removed the silver needles from Old Pansy's chest one by one and returned them to the medical kit.

"Uncle Newton, is it done?" Jane was still immersed in Rory's mesmerizing acupuncture technique.

"Yes." Rory nodded gently, turning to open the ward's door.

Patrick, who had been waiting outside the door, rushed to the bedside when the door finally opened. Concerned, he asked, "How is my grandfather?"

"Old Pansy's condition can be treated with acupuncture." Rory calmly spoke, "I've just performed acupuncture on him."

"Why is he still unresponsive? Are you trying to extort money, you incompetent quack?" Beatrice lowered her head, questioning, staring at Old Pansy still lying unconscious on the bed.

As she spoke, Jane's lips curled into a mocking smile. "No reaction? Didn't you see that Old Pansy's complexion has improved a lot?"

Patrick looked down, and indeed, Old Pansy's face was no longer as pale as before but had a hint of rosy color.

It seemed that his grandfather's condition was indeed improving.

Patrick, whose handsome face had been tense, relaxed a bit. Just as he was about to express his gratitude, he suddenly saw Old Pansy's fingers move.

"Grandfather, Grandfather!" Patrick's heart lifted with joy as he grabbed Old Pansy's hand.

Rory, standing aside, calmly spoke, "He hasn't woken up so quickly. Old Pansy's condition requires at least three acupuncture sessions to wake up, and I've only done one."

"Then please, Dr. Newton, help my grandfather with acupuncture as soon as possible." Patrick urgently requested.

He had been hoping for Old Pansy to wake up for a long time, and now there was finally hope.

Rory raised an eyebrow. "This matter can't be rushed. Each acupuncture session needs a three-day interval. Otherwise, the patient will be at risk."

"Oh..." Patrick, upon hearing this, felt a slight disappointment.

It meant that his grandfather would need at least another ten days to wake up.

However, compared to before, the situation was much better now.

At least, his grandfather was gradually improving, and he would wake up after three acupuncture sessions.

Thinking of this, Patrick's tone took on a rare lightness. "Dr. Newton, then please stay here for a few more days until my grandfather wakes up..."

Patrick's words were interrupted by Rory. "I'll leave immediately."

"What?" Patrick was stunned. "But my grandfather..."

"The remaining acupuncture sessions, leave them to Jane." Rory's gaze fell on Jane.

"Jane??? Can she handle it?" Beatrice jumped in again, vehemently opposed.

Jane gave a cold smile. "Can I handle it? Well, can you?"

Beatrice's face changed.

Jane continued, "Weren't you questioning Uncle Newton's medical skills just now? The fact proves that Uncle Newton's skills are excellent and fully capable of curing Old Pansy."

"He can, doesn't mean you can!" Melissa took a step forward, giving Jane a disdainful look. "Do you understand medicine? I think you just want to show off in front of Cousin, right?"

Rory frowned. "Jane, I'm leaving now."

Chapter 191: Leave It To Jane 1

Chapter 191: Leave It To Jane 2


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