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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Patrick Was Injured

It all happened in a blur. The sudden appearance of the knife in Monica's hand had caught them all off guard. The gleaming blade was thrust toward Jane with a frightening force.

Jane, initially shocked, quickly regained her composure and attempted to kick the knife away. However, Patrick acted as her shield, stepping in front of her with a commanding, "Step back!"

With Jane safely behind him, Patrick reached out to seize Monica's arm, holding the knife-wielding hand. Jane hadn't expected Patrick to put his life on the line to protect her. By the time she tried to withdraw her leg, it was too late. She accidentally kicked him in the process, causing him to shift slightly and miss grabbing Monica's hand.

As a result, the knife grazed the back of his hand. A muffled curse escaped Patrick's lips as he endured the simultaneous effects of the knife and Jane's unintended kick.

"Patrick, are you okay?" Jane inquired, a look of concern in her eyes. She had intended to kick Monica with all her strength, not Patrick.

"I'm fine," Patrick replied, his face contorted with displeasure. He applied pressure to the wound with his left hand to stem the bleeding, but the pain lingered from Jane's kick.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," Monica apologized. She was equally taken aback by the events that had unfolded.

Monica had never intended to harm Patrick; her aim was Jane. She couldn't understand why he had risked his life to protect Jane. To her, everything was Jane's fault. If it weren't for her, Patrick wouldn't be hurt.

"Jane, you wretched woman! You allowed Patrick to get hurt!"

As Monica continued her accusations, a security guard, alerted by the commotion, arrived at the scene. "Mr. Pansy, are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"She stabbed him. Detain her," Jane instructed, pointing to Monica.

"I didn't!"

Monica screamed and fled, but the security guard pursued her. Jane paid no further attention to Monica and the guard, instead turning to Patrick to inspect his wound.

"It's a knife wound. It needs disinfecting and the bleeding stopped as soon as possible," she advised.

"I have a medical kit in my car's trunk," Patrick said, indicating his nearby vehicle.

"Let me assist you to the car," Jane offered.

Despite feeling guilty about her unintended kick, Patrick's actions had been responsible for the injury. Once Jane had helped him into the car, she retrieved the kit from the trunk.


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