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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Feed Me

Gritting her teeth, Jane did her utmost to support Patrick with one hand while the other delved into his pocket.

Jane's hand rummaged around his pocket, and soon her fingers brushed against something.

Patrick stiffened.

"What are you looking for? The key or something else?"


Jane's face turned as red as a tomato when she realized what she had accidentally touched. She quickly apologized and began searching for the key in the opposite direction.

Today seemed to be conspiring against her. Even the key had decided to play hide and seek. Jane delved deeper into the pocket, but her search for the key remained futile.

Frustrated, Jane continued to fumble in Patrick's pocket. Through the cloth, Patrick could feel her hand brushing against his thigh, sending both discomfort and a strangely electrifying sensation through him.

"Patrick, where's your key? It's not here!"

After a moment of searching, Jane was exhausted and drenched in sweat, but Patrick was still leaning on her. He casually patted his pocket with his uninjured hand and frowned. It appeared the key was in the other pocket.

After a while, his expression darkened. "I just remembered, it's in the other pocket."

"What the-?" Jane cursed.

Patrick shrugged and gestured to the pocket on his right.

Jane was exasperated. She believed Patrick had deliberately made things difficult for her, especially after she had accidentally kicked him. She hadn't intended to hurt him, but he had rushed in to protect her.

Jane grumbled to herself as she fumbled to unlock the door. Finally, the door swung open, and she used the last of her strength to guide Patrick to the couch.

"Stay here for now."

As she tried to stand up, her legs buckled.


With a scream, Jane fell into Patrick's arms.

"Can't you wait before you start throwing yourself at me? We just got here," Patrick teased.

Jane's ears turned crimson. She glared at him and retorted, "It's all because you practically made me carry you all the way here!"

Patrick leaned back on the sofa, unfazed. "You kicked me."

Jane was speechless. She hadn't intended to kick him! "Time for your medicine."

Confused, Jane decided to change the topic. She got up and retrieved the prescribed medicine, placing it in front of Patrick.

"One pill a night..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her stomach began to growl.

Patrick chuckled. "Hungry?"

Jane was a little embarrassed. She had been busy all day and had forgotten to eat dinner. She was indeed famished.

"I'm hungry too. Let's order some takeout."

As Patrick spoke, he took out his phone.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Is there anything in the fridge? I can cook. My cooking isn't that bad."

Truth be told, Jane wasn't fond of takeout; she often found it unhealthy.

"You can cook?"


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