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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Good at Acting

Melissa's mug slipped from her hand, crashing to the floor, and the breakfast she had carried with her was spilled in all directions. Melissa stood there, feigning shock and sadness, a deliberate ploy to manipulate the situation.

Jane was perplexed; she hadn't pushed Melissa, who had apparently fallen on her own.

Upon hearing the commotion, Patrick entered the room, inquiring, "What's going on?"

In response, Melissa put on an act for Patrick, her face pale, and tears streaming down her cheeks. "Patrick, Jane pushed me so hard!"

It was evident that Melissa's intention was to make Jane appear in a bad light.

Jane retorted, "When did I push you?"

Melissa, still playing the victim, shifted her attention to Patrick. "Please don't blame her, Patrick. Your mom asked me to move Jane's things to the guest room. It's natural for her to still be angry with me."

Jane felt a deep sense of revulsion as she observed Melissa spew these lies.

Mocking Melissa with a cold expression, Jane said, "Save it. Patrick won't believe your words."

Melissa, maintaining her pitiful façade despite her inner anger, continued, "Jane, I know you hate me, but I can't refuse your aunt's requests. You can be angry with me, scold me, and push me all you want. But the breakfast was made by Auntie for Patrick, and now it's all on the floor."

Jane was unimpressed. "Melissa, your acting skills are quite impressive. Ever thought about pursuing a career in the entertainment industry? You'd win an Oscar for sure."

Melissa, however, shifted her focus to Patrick. "This is the breakfast your mom made for you. She was concerned that you'd be exhausted after working so much yesterday, so she asked me to bring it to you. And now it's all wasted because of Jane."

Before Melissa could finish her statement, Patrick interrupted impatiently, "Come on, Melissa. Do you think I'm blind?"

"What?" Melissa was taken aback by Patrick's response.

"I saw what happened just now, and Jane didn't touch you at all," Patrick stated with a furrowed brow. Though he hadn't seen every detail, his intuition told him that Jane was not the type of person Melissa was portraying her to be.

Melissa, skilled in manipulation, attempted to defend herself. She hadn't expected Patrick to debunk her story.

From his vantage point, he couldn't have seen everything that transpired.

Patrick advised Melissa, "Don't waste your time with such matters. Focus on your studies."

Melissa, shocked and disbelieving, looked at Patrick. Her hopes were shattered as she hoped he didn't like Jane and that it was only due to his grandfather's influence that he had accepted her as his fiancée. Yet the affection Patrick had shown Jane had been undeniable.

"Do you have anything else?" Patrick inquired, pulling Melissa from her reverie.


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