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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Distracted

Jane gazed at Patrick, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"In case you've forgotten, you're engaged to me now. Carl is a celebrity, and all eyes are on him. Behave yourself. I won't stand idly by if you tarnish the Pansy family's reputation," Patrick warned sternly.

Only then did Jane realize that Patrick believed she had feelings for Carl. How had his mind leaped to that conclusion? "And, I should remind you that marrying into the Waters family will be quite challenging. You're two years older than Carl-"

"Enough!" Jane snapped.

"Our engagement is merely a matter of convenience. We both know it won't lead to a real marriage. That being said, it's none of your business whom I choose to date or marry. Don't dictate my life!"

Patrick's face darkened, and he wanted to reply but held back, recognizing the fire in her eyes.

The remainder of the car ride was silent. Jane hadn't directly refuted the notion of having feelings for Carl, and her defensive reaction left Patrick convinced that he was right. This only served to further irk him.

Patrick's insomnia persisted that night, a familiar torment that had plagued him since his abduction at thirteen. His mind was usually plagued with panic attacks over that traumatic experience, but now, he couldn't stop thinking about Jane. Images from the previous night danced through his mind, and he found himself longing to hold her in his arms again.

His irritation grew. "What does she see in Carl? Why would she be interested in a boy? Is she blind?"

Annoyed, he rose from his bed and lit a cigarette.

The next few days at work were quiet for Jane, but she couldn't help but miss her previous life as a globetrotting traveler. When she wasn't catching flights, she spent her days lounging at home, living the best life.

The anniversary ceremony for Pansy Group came and went. On the evening of the grand banquet, Jane had to be styled and dressed in a cocktail dress. The event was extravagant, with prominent businessmen from near and far in attendance. As the CEO, Patrick was engrossed in pleasantries with numerous guests.

Jane grew weary of meeting people and sought refuge in the ladies' room. After a quick touch-up of her hair and makeup, she emerged, only to be confronted by a woman.

"Jane North, isn't it?" The woman appeared to be of similar age as Jane.


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